Feedback & Reflection on Draft DPS

Targets for development? What’s new and what’s next?

My targets set by my peers are;

Will said,

  • He wanted some patterns on the background at the top on the left page.
  • He would like the paragraphs to be the same length.

Mrs Cobb’s targets,

  • Get rid of hyphens
  • Choose a sons serif font
  •  Paragraph the article
  • Break it up with quotes or photos
  • Drop capital – needs changing.
  • No page number
  • No date.

My targets

  • Complete listed above
  • Pick final story and photo
  • Adjust story
  • Cut photo
  • Fix paragraphs
  • Fix paragraph length

How will i do this?


I will look through some internet story’s and adapt the story around a photo i took of harry on my location tour. Then i will complete the rest of my targets.

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