My Tour Poster!

Today i have been researching into some retro style rap. This gave me a good incite into want types of colors, layouts and fonts they use. In all of the posters or album covers they seem to all try and show wealth through different conventional ways, these ways can be showing;

  • Money,
  • Expensive jewelry.
  • Expensive clothes,
  • Big groups or gangs .

They use very dark colors, most being a black background with a white sans serif font, although there have been a few posters which have been using serif fonts to add a cool retro looking vibe to their posters. some posters have used a more basic pastel color for font to allow their old school style top be portrayed into the poster.

Please click on the image to see a clearer PDF.

To conclude the rap posters use dark colors mostly for the background and for what they wear for the photo shoot to pick their final picture for the poster. Most of the fonts seem to be white and in sans serif, but this can vary.  Most of the rappers like to try and add a retro type vibe as it shows a feel for their music. 

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