SMP – Draft 2

Above is a screen castify done by our teacher giving us feedback on our second draft of our social media page.

Teachers feedback;

  • The two most recent posts are very similar to one another
  • We need to add more stories on our merch, Q&A, ads and release dates highlights
  • Post release dates and show the audience how they can download and access the music
  • Add a guerrilla marketing campaign
  • Add a game for audience engagement, such as, find the hidden ukulele in a picture to win a backstage pass at the next concert
  • Need to collaborate with a brand or product
  • Add more exciting posts – less of the band relaxing

We still have a long way to go with our social media page as this feedback was done during the start of our work. We will ensure to take Mrs Cobb’s improvements into account as we continue our work, we are also currently planning another photoshoot with our band models so that we are able to have pictures of them to use for ads and sponsorships etc. In creating a successful social media page that will increase the success and sales of our music it is important to include all of the important conventions.


In preparation for creating our social media page for our stars we wrote a timeline on post it notes. We wrote what we would post for our first 9 posts. We made sure to incorporate conventions such as, promotions, teasers, campaigns and different types of marketing, like guerrilla.

Focusing forward, this will help us to keep organised with our posts and not being overwhelmed with not knowing what to post. It will ensure that we remember to incorporate all these different conventions, which will later on improve our success.


Audience interaction with a social media page

In preparation for creating our own social media page, we explored and decoded Mumford & Sons instagram page. We chose to look at Mumford & Sons as they are a popular Indie Folk band, the same as our genre. In exploring their instragam page we looked for any technical conventions used. We found that AIDA is represented throughout their page as this is important in entertaining their target audience. We discovered many other technical conventions used such as, integrated advertising, promotions, guerrilla marketing, social interaction etc.

Looking forward, we now understand the conventions needed in order to create a successful social media page. We have discovered more subtle ways to present our marketing in a way that the audience will know without being too in their face. We will be sure to create our instagram page in a way that is the same but different.