Perfect Production Group

In aim of creating a perfect production group when starting this major project of our media course we need to allocate and agree on different aspects that we will come across when producing our music video.

Our Group Agreement:

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Creating this document has enabled my group to organise specific aspects that we will be responsible for throughout the journey of producing our final music video. Our group discussed each of our strengths and weaknesses to see who would be best suited to different roles. For myself we decided that I will be responsible for costumes, filming and editing. It’s extremely important to allow each production member to have equal responisbilities and roles in order to ensure that all group member to a sufficient amount of work to make the work load fair. Although we hvae four production members to produce our music video we will split into two pairs when it comes to editing the video in order to ensure that each person edits and contributes to the final piece; therefore we will have two seperate videos.

To ensure that our group is able to communicate reguraly about plans of our music video we will use social media messaging platforms so each group member knows exactly what is happening and when. This is extremely important for the run of the production of the music video so everything runs smoothly in order to use the time we have wisely. Other aspects that we have discussed, possible disagreements, shared documents, post production responsibilities, scheduling shoots, have allowed our group to know everything about the prodction of our music video in aim to produce the best conventional and skilled video we can.

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