Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

My First Draft of my Magazine Front Cover;

Above is my personal reflection on the first draft of my magazine cover. At the point it’s at now I would personally grade my magazine as a low grade B. Hopefully I can improve this grade to a high B or potentially an A once my front cover and contents page is complete. It was useful for me to complete the self assessment as I now have time to really think about how I can improve and make my magazine even better. It has helped me create more of a visual image of how my magazine will look when it’s finished and which parts of the magazine I need to work on. This draft has given me an insight on how to attract my target audience in order for them to express their personal identities, I have added different features such as interesting cover lines and and headlines. I have chosen a variety of colours such as blue, purple, pink, orange, dark blue and white. These colours really make the magazine stand out and represents the pop genre really well. Overall I am happy with my first draft however I have come to a conclusion on a few things I want to change such as;

  • The cover lines down the side
  • Remove her last name
  • Potentially change the background colour

The elements I am happy with are;

  • The font of the masthead
  • The placing of the barcode and price
  • The quality of the image and how it is positioned as it was quite difficult to cut her out as her hair was the same colour as the background.


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