Our Mission Statement- The Package Brand

Above is our marketing strategy and mission statement for our Digipak. These slides provide information on our brand, it’s targeted audience, the USP, the competition and our mission statement. Mia Elise will be featured in integrated marketing as this strategy works best for our brand in the way it delivers a unified message across marketing channels, as well as consistency for our customer base. Our target audience is mainly directed at the younger demographics aged between 16-25, so by launching our product through social media we know that we will be reaching our targeted audience. Bulmer & Katz Uses’ and Gratification Theory suggests that audiences consume media texts when provided with a source of information, entertainment, opportunities, social interaction and an expression of personal identity for the purpose of communication.

Our Unique Selling Point assists in supporting our brand and our star image to maintain a strong image and reputation. This also allows our female star to step aside from the competition where content is aimed at the same audience. Our USP will include extraordinary conventions relating to mental health and how particular songs and lyrics can assist in someone feeling more comforted and at ease, we want our target audience to feel this using our product.

Our mission statement is as follows ‘Mia Elise, the newest face amongst pop singers. Influenced by the best of London’s pop scene and the top 10’s in Britpop, Mia aims to bring pop to break ups. She’s combining a musical landscape of pop lyrics, catchy melodies and feelings. She will be satisfying the new wave of critics around the world, with her new, exciting album ‘SEASONAL LOVE’ destined for a Grammy and more! Making this by far her best album yet!’. Evie, Evelyn and I made sure our mission statement was informative with a sense of excitement so that are audience understands and engages with our actions as well as feeling an element of suspense on what is next to come. As a group we ensured all text was written sensibly with a correct meaning so that our campaign wouldn’t be rejected and our brand wouldn’t become vulnerable within the industry. Our mission statement will therefore give an insight into our package brand as a whole, and how it will be represented and promoted through a social media page. 

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