Book / Magazine Research

Research Sources


Media Magazine






Independent Research Tasks

Over the next week in lessons and for independent study you must conduct some independent research into:

  • Your film focus
  • Your two films

You need to aim to find approx 5+ research sources that helped you:

  1. Understand your film focus
  2. Explore the micro and macro features in your chosen own films
These sources should include:
  1. A quote from the teachers’ research notes.
  2. Reviews of your films
  3. One Book
  4. One Magazine articles
  5. One Websites or Blog Article
  6. One video essay or podcast

Recording your research

This research must be recorded and referenced using the Harvard System.

One way in which you can record this research is to use a slide show, with a slide per source.

Your personal slideshow for recording your research has been shared via Google Classroom

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