Dialogue Replacement


Replace the dialogue from your screenplay with a audio recording of your actors’ dialogue.


  1. Record each actors dialogue for the whole scene
    • Close up shots may need to be recorded with a loop.
  2. We are going to using the cursor keys to loop the close ups so the actors can record their dialogue in a loop
  3. Edit the audio in post using several layers of audio
    • A layer for the whole scene (each actor)
    • A separate layer for each actor in close up

Write a film score

Creative Intention:

Compose a short film score to play parallel with the action. The music should reflect a sense of panic and urgency or apprehension and fear (delete as applicable).

Source Film

You can download the video here.

Composing the music

You can either use Adobe Audition or Garage Band (if you have access).


Adobe Audition

Samples and Loops for Audition

Click here to go to our library – you will need to download the samples you want and copy them into your D Drive Project Folder

Foley Sound


An Illustration of Foley

Foley Explained


Using Film Maker IQ video above explain purpose and process of Foley sound in 3-5 bullet points in the inquiry section of your portfolio page.


Creative Intention: To record Foley sound for a short sequence in order to create a soundscape that adds a sinister and scary atmosphere.

  1. Create a new Adobe Audition Project in the D Drive of your computer in a project folder called ‘Your Name – Foley Sound’
  2. Download this clip of film into that Project Folder.
  3. Complete a ‘Spotting Session’, where you identify the sounds that should be in the clip, list 4-6 sounds you will record in the next session.
    • This should also include ambient sound, which will act as the base layer of sound throughout the clip.
  4. Create 5+ Foley sound using various objects that you bring in from home to create an atmosphere for the clip.
  5. In Audition import the sounds and sync them to the sequence.
  6. Export your Foley sound sequence, upload to your D Drive & The Drive
  7. Hand in to classroom

Using Audition

Here is some extra sound effects and loops

Take a screenshot of your sound mix in Audition and explain:

  • The different tracks
  • Your use of key frames and transitions
  • Any effects you may have applied


  • Grab a screenshot of a key moment from your ‘Spooky House Video’. Describe:
    • The process you used to record the sound.
    • The quality of the sounds you recorded
      • What are ‘Peaking’ and ‘Clipping’?
    • How did you develop a sense of atmosphere (outside to inside)
    • What scare / surprise did you use in the video?
    • Reflect on how Foley sound can be used to add meaning / impact in film.