Long Term Camera Loans

Do you need a long term DSLR loan?

A Canon DSLR + tripod is available to borrow if you do either Media or Film Studies.

Loan period will finish at the end of the Summer Term (Friday 10th July 2020).

You will need to pay a £50 deposit, which is returned to you when you return the complete kit.

See Mr Gregson to arrange the loan.

Continuity Editing Task

Creative Intention for the week

To film and edit a continuity sequence that builds to a tense climax.

Portfolio Page

This page must will be split into three sections:

1) Inquiry


Find Continuity Edits in Hell’s Club

Identify two examples of each of the following. Note the time code when the following edits / shots takes place in the sequence.

  • Establishing Shot
  • Eyeline Match
  • Cross cutting
  • Match on Action
  • 180 Degree Rule
  • Fast cutting speed
2) Action

“Film a character walking down a corridor, opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.”

In the edit you must demonstrate understanding of

  • match on action
  • eyeline match
  • cross cutting
  • shot/reverse shot
  • the 180-degree rule.

Here is the script which we would like you to use.

You will be working in groups of three for this task and must each shoot the sequence, which you will be editing later this week.

Edit your sequence in WeVideo


Here are two example preliminary tasks made by teachers, spot the mistakes:

Your Page:

Creative Intention as the title

  • Explain the role of editing in controlling time & space in a continuity edit
  • Explain the filming / editing techniques you are going to have to employ
  • Explain how the script became a shot list
  • Explain how you filmed for continuity
  • Explain how you achieved the techniques in the edit.
  • How did you use editing to control space and time, action and reaction?
  • How would you do the project differently in terms of filming and editing to achieve a better effect next time?


Here is a great analysis of framing and editing and answers the question ‘Who Wins The Scene’

Editing 101

Editing, the connectives in Film Language

Think of cut as connectives in a sentence

…so, and, then, but, however, meanwhile…

How then does does editing create meaning if it’s just simply links in the film?

Well first of all, the edit constructs the meaning in the minds of the audience.

Task 1

Recap by defining and exemplify the Kuleshov effect…

Editing – Time, Space and Attention

So…OK…it’s the connectives of film, such as: ‘so’, ‘and’, ‘then’, ‘however’, ‘meanwhile’… which the audience link to make connective sense of two images.

  • It’s also think about how editing shifts the film in time…such as, ‘Later that day’, ‘Earlier’, ‘The following morning’, ‘8 years later…’, ‘Flashback…to recap important narrative information’…
  • It can also be used to draw audience attention to specific elements of mise-en-scene which are important. This is usually in the shape of characters view of what they see, although not always (often the audience know more than the characters) and this gives rise to dramatic irony.
Textual Analysis of Editing

Identify the editing techniques used in this sequence.

Analyse how these editing techniques create meaning and sense for the audience.

You should use this handout to complete your TEA and then upload to your reflective journal under editing, along with a link to the clip.


The graphic match:

Batman Final Essay

Task – A textual analysis essay.

Essay title

Complete a textual analysis of the denouement of The Dark Knight and answer the following question.

‘Analyse and evaluate the representation of Batman in the final sequence of the The Dark Knight (2008) Nolan.’ You should use specific examples of mise-en-scene and cinematography to discuss how Nolan highlights the messages and themes in the film.

Advice and Guidance
  • The essay will be assessed in how it shows your ability to demonstrate…
    1. …an understanding of the cultural context.
    2. … an understanding of how the extract makes use of film elements to create meaning.
    3. …an understanding of the ways in which the cultural context of the film and the identified film elements relate to each other, as well as to the chosen film text as a whole
  • The essay should be approx 750 words long (+/- 10%). 
  • You should use screen shots of key moments from the sequence that are the subject of your close textual analysis.
Research & Context
    • You should refer explicitly to the Crash Course YouTube video on, ‘The War on Terror’.
    • Quote from the article we discussed in class, Dark Knight, Dark Ideas by Chris Turner. 
      • This article and the Crash Course YouTube Video should be credited and referenced at the end of the essay.


  1. Introduce the Film and the important contexts
  2. Introduce the themes and ideas evident at the end of the film
    • How do these diverge from the narrative / themes of the hero’s journey?
  3. Explore three examples of mise-en-scene and how these are important in reflecting the themes and ideas in the film
  4. Explore three examples of cinematography and how these are important in revealing the themes and ideas in the film
  5. Sum up the essay and the evolution of Batman

Dark Knight – Dark Ideas


Read, discuss, understand this key note article on Batman by Pete Turner.

  1. Some terminology to define before we read:
    • Ideology
    • Socio-Political Context
    • Vigilante
    • Dominant Hegemony
    • Authoritarianism
    • Dichotomy
  2. Read the article aloud around the class.
  3. Stop/start discussion on the article and specific sections of it:
    1. Vigilantism, justice and vengeance
    2. By any means necessary – the tactics of Batman
    3. Inequality in Gotham
    4. The masses
  4. Complete notes on the article during the discussion
  5. Highlight key quotes from the article to use in next week’s essay
  6. Generate a Harvard reference for the article to use in the bibliography of the essay
Reflective Journal
  1. Embed article
  2. Summarise 3-5 key arguments in the article as bullet points.
  3. Reflect on the importance of reading articles / reviews on films we are studying (50 words)

9/11, The War on Terror & The Dark Knight

Contention / Thesis

‘All cultural products, including film, are a reflection of the time in which they were made!’ Discuss

How can we test this idea? We can see if it applies to our films? Therefore…

Is it possible to see, in the characters and themes of The Dark Knight, the significant events after 9/11 attacks and the ensuing ‘War on Terror’ prosecuted by the American government?

Can we also get a sense of social attitudes at that time and how Gotham, it’s inhabitants, the police and Batman echo this social structure (and divide)?

This is a video which covers most of the important historical contexts.

Watch it and make notes

…The War on Terror


Note making document.

There are a lot facts in the above video on the socio-political context in America after post 9/11. Also it explores some of the social divides created by wealth or lack of it.

As we’re watching this video, make a note of how you think these are echoed in The Dark Knight.

What conclusions do you each about the nature of The Batman post 9/11?

Reflective Journal

Embed the video into your journal

Summarise in 3-5 bullet points the key historical events that you argue echo in The Dark Knight.

Textual Analysis of The Joker

Textual Analysis Question:

The Joker represents, ‘…the spirit of terrorism. The embodiment of anarchy and chaos of a particularly destructive and nihilistic nature’

Douglas Kellner – Cinema Wars

Analyse Christopher Nolan’s use of cinematography & mise-en-scene in one of the six sequences below in order to answer the following question…

How does Christopher Nolan use mise-en-scene and cinematography to represent The Joker as a ‘new’ kind of villain that Batman is unable to defeat?


Embed the sequence and your typed up notes into your reflective journal.

Write a 200-250 word summary of your key findings from the analysis.

Help Documents

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5

Scene 6

Advanced Cinematography


The Rules of Composition in Cinematography are described and exemplified in this video:

Class Presentation on Composition in Film

Use this link to edit

Reflective journal

Embed this slideshow in your reflective journal as a new post called Advanced Cinematography.

Select 3 frames from one or more of the cinematographers in the video below and describe the composition in those selected frames:

Great Cinematographers


Cinematographer (Freddie Young)

The frame uses the rule of thirds and lead space. Places the dead soldier on the point of interest and the expanse of frozen desolation ahead of him. The barbed wire acts as leading lines and the angles posts serve to frame shot.

Archetypes in Film (Heroes and Villains)

Archetypes in literature are fundamental or prototypical characters that are used in stories. They have recurred in literature and art since the earliest writing.

They personify universal patterns of human behaviour.

Film uses and reuses archetypes in various forms and with varying degrees of nuance, between realism and hyperbole.

In this exploration of Batman the Dark Knight we are exploring two archetypes, the hero and the villain.

We will explore how the context in America, especially the events of 9/11, have reshaped the superhero and super villain in order to help the audience understand the ‘new’ world they lived in and help them contextualise their fears.

I want you to explore how the superhero has become darker and the super villain has been redefined in this time of anxiety & global terrorism.


Complete one slide in this slideshow with an analysis of one Superhero that you have been given.

Independent Study

Read this article from the BBC about Hollywood use of Archetypes and their roots in Greek myth. It also goes on to describe what it is about us humans that continue to retell the superhero story across the generation.

Embed the slide show into your reflective journal and also find a clip of your superhero online and reflect on how the film’s narrative at that moment conveys their heroic characteristics and/or their very human flaws.

Narrative in The Dark Knight

Remember Narrative? – The Study of Stories…
Narrative Revision
Task 1

In pairs or three review the previous posts on narrative; summarise for each other and then a whole class discussion.

Narrative Part 1

Narrative Part 2

Narrative Part 3

Task 2

Complete a narrative analysis of The Dark Knight

Independent Study

Watch this video essay and summarise the key points in 5 bullet points, in your reflective journal, on the nature of The Joker as the ultimate antagonist.


Complete a narrative analysis of The Dark Knight.

Take a copy of this slide show and then:

  • Explore the degree to which TDK conforms to the the hero’s journey.
  • Identify the characters with narrative function and consider to what degree they conform to or subvert expectations.