Batman Final Essay

Task – A textual analysis essay.

Essay title

Complete a textual analysis of the denouement of The Dark Knight and answer the following question.

‘Analyse and evaluate the representation of Batman in the final sequence of the The Dark Knight (2008) Nolan.’ You should use specific examples of mise-en-scene and cinematography to discuss how Nolan highlights the messages and themes in the film.

Advice and Guidance
  • The essay will be assessed in how it shows your ability to demonstrate…
    1. …an understanding of the cultural context.
    2. … an understanding of how the extract makes use of film elements to create meaning.
    3. …an understanding of the ways in which the cultural context of the film and the identified film elements relate to each other, as well as to the chosen film text as a whole
  • The essay should be approx 750 words long (+/- 10%). 
  • You should use screen shots of key moments from the sequence that are the subject of your close textual analysis.
Research & Context
    • You should refer explicitly to the Crash Course YouTube video on, ‘The War on Terror’.
    • Quote from the article we discussed in class, Dark Knight, Dark Ideas by Chris Turner. 
      • This article and the Crash Course YouTube Video should be credited and referenced at the end of the essay.


  1. Introduce the Film and the important contexts
  2. Introduce the themes and ideas evident at the end of the film
    • How do these diverge from the narrative / themes of the hero’s journey?
  3. Explore three examples of mise-en-scene and how these are important in reflecting the themes and ideas in the film
  4. Explore three examples of cinematography and how these are important in revealing the themes and ideas in the film
  5. Sum up the essay and the evolution of Batman

Pan’s Labyrinth – Final Essay

An IB Film textual analysis essay is multilayered (like an onion). Here is a graphic, which tries to explain those layers:

1) The outer layer is the context layer. This film was made as a comment on the Spanish civil war, the people who rose to power (the Fascists) and the resistance of some, to their cruel ideology. Del Toro is also using cultural references to…

  • Other films
  • Works of Art
  • Historical events
  • Myths and legends
  • Fairy Stories

…to add layers of significance to Pan’s Labyrinth.

How are those references evident in the scene and what meaning is attached to those contextual references that deepens our understanding of the film?

2) The middle layer is on the macro features of the film. During the last few weeks we have covered a lot of macro ground: genre, representation & narrative.

3) The inner most layer must have as it’s focus the micro features of the sequence. So far we have only covered mise-en-scene in any detail and in this essay that should be your focus.

You should try and link the micro to context and macro.

For example:

  • How do the characters, setting & iconography fit (or not) into the fantasy fairy tale genre?
  • How is this scene significant in the representation of Ophelia & to what degree does her characters redefine the ideology surrounding fairy-tale princesses?
  • This scene is important in the parallel narrative structure and reflects on Vidal and the conflict (theme) at the heart of the narrative, how?

The Essay & Sequence

‘A textual analysis of The Pale Man Sequence. How does mise-en-scene in Ophelia’s second task create meaning for the audience and reinforce the themes & messages that Guillermo Del Toro is trying to communicate in Pan’s Labyrinth?’

The essay is set and should be submitted through Google Classroom.

This is the sequence that is the focus of your analyse. 

Please use this document to help you make notes on the key elements of mise-en-scene.


Film is a visual art and a key bit of advice to all screenwriters and directors is…

‘Show, don’t tell!’


Mise-en-scene refers to anything that the director chooses to film and is a key way in which they can ‘show’ the story. Every element of mise-en-scene is carefully selected to communicate meaning, and mise-en-scene work along with other micro elements of film language to communicate an overall idea (representation) which helps tell the story of the film.

Here is a key presentation on Mise-en-Scene:


Complete a mise-en-scene analysis, using C.L.A.M.P.S on the stills in the slides below.

What representation is Guillermo Del Torro communicating through the selection of mise-en-scene in the Captain’s Feast?

Here is a link to a video of the sequence – there are no subtitles, but this is fine.

Here is a link to the slideshow for you to edit.


Show, don’t tell.

…so you are reading the design in the sequence and trying to think about what is being implied or suggested.

Independent Study

Write one paragraph on the mise-en-scene in The Captain’s feast.

Your focus should be on the characters who you have been given or, for one pair, the feast as a whole.

You should write about three specific examples of the mise-en-scene in the scene. These example should be described precisely and in detail.

You should then analyse each example. You are unpicking the ideas communicated about the the characters or feast. As discussed in class there is a clear parallel between this scene and the Pale Man scene, however put that aside for now, focus instead on the representation of the people and the feast.


Here are some ideas to get you going. The guests at the feast are snobbish hypocrites, they are arrogant, patronising and snobbish. The exception is Carmen, who is fragile, elegant and cowed. The Captain is a fascist, he is proud of his reputation and dominates the scene. The feast is a scene of indulgence, greed and power.

You should write this essay in Google docs and include images alongside the essay.

Please submit this through Google Classroom. Our class code is: fpqtlxw