My Magazine Front Page Swede

With this task we took an original copy of a magazine and replicated it on a software called indesign. We aimed to manipulate every detail and learn the key tools and skills required to create our magazines in the future.

My Magazine Swede

Original Magazine

I feel that I made a good attempt at replicating the NME magazine, I think the overall look of the magazine is replicated well and that I made good progress in learning how to use Indesign.

I particularly like how I created, represented and replicated the ‘Foo Fighters’ pug. To do this I created a circle, placed it in the corner of the page and coloured it a dark burgundy to match the border of the picture. I then added the text and chose a typeface that matched the original copy best. Next, I then rotated the text to add a slight angle. All together I feel that this is the most accurate replication on my magazine.

The masthead on my magazine is slightly incorrect, this is due to me not finding the correct typeface to use as we had a limited selection of fonts. Next time I will find a more accurate font online and download it to create a better replication. Not only this, the text also needs to be thicker.

The cover lines on the magazine in the top right corner have the correct and accurate proportions. In addition, the highlight behind the text matches the original copy well. I think that the title text (white highlight) matches almost perfectly. However, the text below does not match as well and next time I will have to find a more precise font.

A part of my magazine that didn’t go as well would be the main cover line, I feel that the typeface is not accurate and that the proportions are slightly off. Next time, I would reduce the height of the ‘F’ and the ‘L’ due to it not matching the original copy of the magazine, I would also choose a bolder typeface.

Another feature that could’ve been better would’ve been the caption underneath the main cover line, this is because even though I feel the typeface is correct I didn’t manipulate it in the correct way. Next time I would make it larger and make it more spread out.

One thing I do like is the colour scheme match, I feel the orange background matches up well but could be a little lighter and brighter. I think the burgundy/black colour matches well but could still be slightly darker.

By doing this task I learnt the basic skills and knowledge required to use Indesign, I will apply this learning and understanding when I make my own music magazine. One feature of the programme I particularly liked would’ve been the wide variety of fonts to choose from, I will use this to make my music magazine better and add more depth. However, I still have some areas that I need to work on, these include things such as image placement and text manipulation.

Some tutorials I will use to improve my skills…

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