Draft Feature Article

This is a draft of the article which will be on my double page spread.

Astrid Archer was a newly emerging rising star back in 2017; she had everything going for her – a new album, brand deals, and collaborations with the hottest names in showbiz. However, this newly found fame didn’t last long. A scandal plummeted her, in just five weeks, to the most hated music artist ever. Now, five years later – she is back and ready to conquer the world for the second time.

Archer was a hot topic six years ago, whereby an off chance viral video of her singing ‘Tongue Tied’ by Grouplove went viral on Youtube, surging to one million views in a matter of hours. This unique adjustment brought its challenges. It was clear that her world had been turned upside down.

The aftermath was sensational, Columbia records had reached out to her to work on creating an album and releasing a debut single. ‘I was stunned, I came from a place with limited opportunities and this had just been offered to me – shocked doesn’t even express the feeling’ Astrid said. However, Columbia didn’t want the newfound fame to die out too quickly, so rushed to release a single. 

‘Columbia Records gave me a song within two days that had been written by somebody at the label, but they wouldn’t disclose the name. I read the song for the first time and was a little confused, it sounded particularly similar to a Lorde song and some of the lyrics were almost identical. I just shrugged this off though – I wasn’t going to jeopardize my opportunity of being able to create music, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I went along with it, little did I know this would be the biggest mistake of my life.’ 

June 21st, 2017. The single ‘Bracelet’ was released. ‘That was the worst day of my life. I will never forget it.’ stated Astrid. The response was dreadful, heart-wrenching, and horrible. Astrid Archer had made the biggest mistake in showbiz – copying another artist. Within hours she had been cancelled for ‘ripping off a Lorde song’. 

After that moment Astrid stopped posting on social media. She went from the new girl on the block who was loved by everyone – to the most hated star in the business.

However, this is all in the past, and now… she’s back, better than ever. 

5 years later and she was ready to start again. ‘I have questioned my move by doing this, but I need closure and I need a second chance’ she states. On a random May afternoon in 2021, she uploaded a picture to her Instagram account. It read ‘Long time, no see! I think it’s time I make a comeback – new single Hot Topic out next week’. This was a shock to the entire music industry, and it gained a lot of attention. Everyone was extremely confused why this had occurred. There was a lot of positive feedback but as she expected a lot of negative attention did occur and the trolls were still talking about her previous scandal and how ‘ripped off’ she was. 

The single was released and it was completely different from the song ‘Bracelet’ – it allowed her to reset and start over, something which doesn’t happen often. ‘Hot Topic’ soared to the top of the charts within the first week and it was almost like she time traveled back to her early days with the newfound fame from singing covers. Astrid told us, ‘Now, I love life a hell of a lot more.’

Astrid has only trod her feet into the depths of being a celebrity, but sure is making a difference in the world. So what does the future hold for Astrid? 

‘The future… Well, I live everyday like it is my last. I want to make a difference in the world and inspire young kids to never give up on their dreams – no matter what happens, because trust me I have been through it all. I look back at my younger self and the trials and tribulations I faced, even though it was awful at the time, It has shaped me into the person I am today. A little piece of advice to anyone reading would be to always make sure you are confident with what you are posting on social media – as it could resurface to hurt you in the future. But I guess what you really want to know is what is my future in the music industry? Well… management are gonna murder me for saying this… but. I am releasing a new album next year called ‘Redemption’.’

Overall, Astrid Archer has been through it all – The experience of a rising star, the regrets, and how you can redeem yourself no matter what has happened. We often question why Astrid wanted to do this interview with us, but she told us that ‘It was time for me to tell my side of the story.’

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