Music Video Form & Conventions

For our first task in the music video segment, we had to understand what a music video was, why they were needed, and what the typical conventions were. We decoded the narratives and performances to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of star image and how it illustrated the song. Some usual conventions where also broken, such as an anachronic music video or a disjunctive music video, and we could understand why the artist chose to do this and what message it gave to the audience.

My three chosen professional videos:

The Analysis 

Focus Forward

From this task, I have learnt the key conventions and what is needed to make a successful music video. I have established ideas about how to convey a key theme through a narrative, and how you can intentionally break conventions to portray a message. Furthermore, I was able to learn that music videos act as a vehicle for promoting the star image and they’re representation to the audience. This is important as if it is not executed correctly it could have a long lasting, damaging impact on the star.



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