Previous Student’s Work

Student Video 



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In this music video, the tripod has been used throughout. However, in one particular section in the narrative the main star has enough and wants to break free, so the camera is moving in frantically in random directions with quite dramatic movements to portray that she feels trapped.

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Multiple camera angles have been used in each scene from close-ups to medium long shots allowing the audience to gauge a better idea of the story and making the video look more enticing and professional.


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A dissolve transition is used to establish that the scene is taking place within the dollhouse and then is being brought to life, emphasizing the idea that she is trapped inside the dollhouse and wants to be free.

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Color correction is used to make the narrative fun, bright, and upbeat – a contrast to the narrative, suggesting what it would be like for the main character to have a life outside of the doll house. A fast cutting speed is also used to and from the performance to bright colors on the screen which align perfectly with the beat of the song, adding excitement and anticipation.


The real-life dollhouse scenes, it is very posh, bleak, and monotonous. The parents and daughter are wearing smart clothing which is quite old-fashioned. The food they are also eating is quite plain and bland, reflective of their stale and mundane lives. There is also a large doily on the table which is quite old-fashioned and were extremely popular in the Victorian era.

To contradict the snobby narrative scenes, the performance is the opposite – with young actors, colors, and a lot of fun outfits. They have used different colors of light that they have projected across the star’s face which connotes quite youthful and exuberant images. Makeup is also used, not excessively but enough to create a lasting effect on the audience.

Assessment of video 


By looking at previous students work I have gained an idea about what I can create and produce, it has shown me what is accessible and how we can use different professional techniques to make a music video that has a developed narrative and performance. It has taught me how well you need to focus on representing the star in an ideal way, and how camera, editing and mise-en-scene can be used to do this.

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