Final Pitch To Teacher

To further develop our idea and understand if it is doable we presented our idea via a google slideshow to our teacher. We first played the song and explained to our teacher the narrative which includes; mise-en-scene, the theme, locations, star image, and type of narrative structure. For our performance, we explained our concept, and how we would execute it and highlighted the mise-en-scene and the costumes we had in mind.

Please see above our final pitch. 

Please see above our teacher feedback video.

Positive Feedback 

  • Performance and Narrative ideas work together cohesively and have binary ideas. 
  • The overall magical and mystical theme is prominent throughout.
  • The overall aesthetic and idea around the performance will work well. 
  • The over the top, glamorous and flamboyant themes will work cohesively together and will have a clear mise-en-scene
  • The simplicity of the ideas will help us execute them well and successfully. 
  • We can use fun transitions, graphic matches, and match-on actions to add further dimension and interest to our music video.


  • Finalize the narrative and the journey of becoming the star’s true self. Decide on how we are going to film and portray it.
  • Studio shoot with the projector can work well but we need to figure out how to prevent the stroboscopic effect from occurring so that the performance is of good quality. 
  • We need to finalize the costumes and outfits and create a clear plan of the narratives and performances for our shooting days to be successful. 

Focus Forward

This task has allowed my group to understand our ideas and learn how to work as a group effectively which will be beneficial in the future. By creating our pitch we could bring our vision to life and visualize what is possible. It was extremely useful to present this to our teacher as it allowed us to understand whether our idea was realistic and possible. It allowed us to generate ideas together and gather feedback, positive and negative, to fully understand the direction of our music video and how we can film it effectively and professionally.

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