Production Meeting Agenda for Shoot 2 – Narrative

To enable us to be well prepared and equipped for shoot 2, we created a PMA to plan and organise what we needed and where we would be. We focused heavily on the mise-en-scene and different props, hair, and makeup items we would need to convey our key themes and messages. We could focus on details and allocate our various responsibilities.

click to view full PMA

We established that we wanted our star image to be bright, bold, and colourful. We wanted an eccentric look, and with this plan, it can be achieved. In this shoot, we had a key focus on props, some of which we will be curating ourselves (book and pinboard). This adds to the personal factor of our video, generating the idea that the star made these himself when going on his journey.

Focus Forward

This task allowed my group to be organised and have a clear picture of what we wanted to achieve within the shoot – this will help us when filming – to be concise and accurate. It allowed us to research and generate ideas about costumes and props which would adequately fit our star image and key themes. We could also identify what equipment we had to film with and what we needed to borrow – so it could be arranged in time for our shoot.


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