Specsavers Feedback

We were lucky enough to have the opportunity for feedback from professionals at Specsavers.


  • Ensure that all of our work is organised and colour-coded to be more productive. It will allow us to separate the narrative from the performance and have more control over our workspace. 
  • We concluded that we have solved our issue with the projector. After trying many different techniques within the software after effects and different lighting styles, we concluded that using the multiply blend mode will enable the best quality footage and video. We will also have to do some colour correction to ensure our work is of the highest quality and the colours pop.  
  • When shooting, we should’ve adjusted the contrast settings on our camera to allow us to have more contrast compared to the projector background – allowing our star to be seen more clearly. 

Tips and Tricks

  • We have learnt how to copy and paste effects across our whole video by using the ‘copy and paste attributes’ tool. This will ensure we have the same settings and adjustments across all the required videos. Not only this it will save us a lot of time and enable us to work more efficiently and promptly, allowing us to focus on different aspects of the video. 
  • We have learnt how to do a sudden zoom instead of a gradual one, this will help us with video progression and creating variety in our video.

Focus Forward

After been given some advice and new directions we are able to focus on the details within our video. By getting a professional opinion we can understand and learn industry standard techniques to make our work of a better quality. It has given us new ideas and directions which will help development within our video.

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