Music Video Draft 3

Following our last self-assessment and Specsavers’ feedback we have produced an improved draft.

We have solved the issues surrounding our projector effect – by using different blend modes and opacity changes – which has allowed us to see the critical mise-en-scene we lacked in the previous draft. This was extremely important as it allows us to convey our star image more effectively. We improved our video quality by using colour correction and stabilised many of the clips. However, there are still some things for us to work on.

What do we need to work on?

  • At the end, we zoom into the ‘how to fit in’ book. However, this is done poorly and removes quality from our video. We will instead use a still clip of the book. 
  • We need to slightly alter the scale of the projector on the split screens, they are slightly bigger than our performance shots, and this can be seen and is irritating. 
  • We also need to quickly rectify the colour on our pink performers’ split screen – it is currently too dark and lacking quality – this can easily be achieved by using lumetri colour correction. 
  • In the performance montage at the end the blue projector is too dark, so we lose some critical mise-en-scene, we will alter this by changing the opacity. 
  • In the final narrative montage, there is a clip that slightly goes out of focus, we can fix this by slightly cutting the clip and reordering the montage. 

Focus Forward

We now have specific instructions and tasks to complete within our video. This is useful as it allows us to be efficient and use our remaining time wisely, allowing us to create a video that is of the best quality. In particular, we are focusing on small elements, which allows us to understand there are no big issues remaining in our music video, such as previously struggling with the projector effect. We are also going to receive some formal feedback from our teacher will enable us to put our best foot forward when completing draft 4.



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