Music Video Draft 4

We have made some important and crucial changes to our music video since draft 3.

What has changed?

  • We have changed the narrative montage in the middle to be more upbeat. We removed some of the walking scenes, as it was becoming boring and repetitive. Instead, we included a variety of extreme close-ups, close-ups, and mid-shots to add variety and dimension to this section of the music video. 
  • One of the most important shots was at the end of the ‘How to Fit in’ book. Previously the quality was awful and the zoom made it look tacky. Instead, we have reordered the segment and used a still image, to focus on the old life our star has left behind. 
  • We have fixed some colour projection issues to make our work of better quality, allowing us to see the mise-en-scene a lot more clearly. 
  • We have added some fun and quirky transitions near the end section, to create an uplifting, dynamic environment that allows our audience to feel proud of the star. 

 Focus Forward

All in all our music video is almost complete. After receiving some peer feedback we are expecting to make a few tweaks so that it appeals and targets our audience better.

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