Digipak Mock Up

To begin planning and visualising our digipak, we drew some ideas for the front and back covers. We took inspiration from our previously created padlet and ensured that we complied with the general and formal conventions.

Front (click for full screen)
Back No.1 (click to see full screen)
Back No.2 (click to see full screen)

We have created 3 potential designs. The front of the album consists of our star in fun, bold makeup with some pink/purple colour correction. We then are going to create a ‘rip’ in the middle with a black and white more serious image of our star. This encodes the key message of our star capturing the hardships and struggles of being different. Furthermore, this design adheres to our genre by using a similar colour scheme and image manipulation techniques. We are also following formal and general conventions by ensuring our artist’s name and album name are displayed clearly on the front. We have decided to call our album ‘Library of Liberty’ to accentuate the freedom of being your true self.

For the back, we have two ideas. Number one consists of a simple design, to fit in with our ‘rip’ in the front cover, we again created the rip effect on the back with the tracks listed below. However, we found this quite bland and boring and decided to scrap this idea. Our second idea is a lot more colourful and vibrant, it consists of four images of our star all overlapping. We would use colour correction to make these different colours but ensure they complement each other well. This ties in well with the front of the album and doesn’t overwhelm the page. We also included a track list, barcode, copyright regulations and record label logos to adhere to the formal conventions.

The track titles we chose are as followed…

  1. Inferno 
  2. Kaleidoscope
  3. Dismissal
  4. Perfect Places
  5. Karma 
  6. Dreamscape
  7. Just Me and You
  8. Tokyo
  9. Today, Tomorrow, Forever
  10. February
  11. Bloom
  12. The Shift

Focus Forward

It has been extremely useful to plan our digipak as we now have an idea of what we want to achieve. It has allowed us to visualise how different colours, fonts, graphics and text will work together to convey our star’s key messages ensuring it aligns with our mission statement. We must ensure that we stick to the formal and general conventions which we have included in our mockup. Next, we will plan our shoot to produce images for our digipak.

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