Narrative Exploration

For this tasks we explored professional narratives and ideas of our own.

Harry Styles – Falling

‘Drowning in Despair, Loneliness and Heartbreak’ This narrative explores the sadness, abandonment and isolation after loosing somebody you love. This is alluded to the audience by the setting slowly filling up with water from the piano until the main character was eventually fully submerged. This music video amplifies the lyrics.

Taylor Swift – Wildest Dreams

‘Actress falls in love with actor who doesn’t love her back until he realizes what he’s lost’ This narrative explores a love story that ignited in the workplace, eventually, it fizzled out, and the man got a new girlfriend. Only at the end of the award show the man tries to win her back, but she drives away and rejects him as she knows she is better than that. This music video amplifies the lyrics.

Shawn Mendes – There’s nothing holding me back

‘A typical love story’ This narrative follows the theme of discovering love and the person of your dreams. It connotes ideas about being your true self and themes of exploration. This music video is illustrative of the lyrics.

Three of my own narrative ideas

FREEDOM – A girl finally escapes from the captivity of her mind and becomes free from the restraints she was putting on herself. She realises what she has missed out on and reflects on her hardships.

POEMS – A girl writes secret poems to different people expressing how much she loves them and how they are loved, only for the video to flip to her living a solemn life where she is extremely lonely and lacks many human connections.

GUARDIAN ANGEL – A newly qualified news reporter notices something suspicious about an old man who has secret teleportation powers. She becomes obsessed with him and it turns out that he is her guardian angel.

This task allowed me to understand what is required of a music video narrative and how it can be used to tell or story or subtle theme. It allowed me to open myself up to new ideas and begin the process of exploring narratives of my own. To generate these ideas I listened to some songs I liked and used synesthesia to explore an idea. I also played some story-generating games to explore some more interesting themes and ideas. These processes are useful and will enable me in the future to work outside of the box when coming up with an idea for my music video.

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