Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

After having a successful first shoot, we took to Premiere Pro to begin piecing our clips together, editing to the beat, and ensuring that the video was synced with the music. We aimed to begin creating the key conventions required and making the video interesting with various shots and framing.

Above is our rough edit.

What went well?

  • Overall the video is lip-synced successfully, matching the lyrics in the song. Our actors knew the lyrics well – this helped us to achieve our goal. 
  • We tested and trialed many different methods to add the projector effect we created on top of our videos. We found that layering the videos and using the opacity tool was most successful. The effect works well and matches the genre and aims of our music video. However, when exporting the video did darken, so this is something we will need to alter. 
  • We experimented with different effect tools in Premiere Pro and created some sophisticated cool effects – which added to the mise-en-scene and aesthetic of the video. We will continue to use these adequately but not overdo them so it looks tacky. 
  • We had enough footage to enable us to have a variety of shots and angles which worked cohesively together. They worked seamlessly with transitions in a place where necessary so the video isn’t jumpy. 
  • We worked together as a group well. When overcoming obstacles, we faced them together ensuring that we made good progress with our music video. 

Targets for Improvement

  • As mentioned previously, when exporting, the projector effect was not seamless and made the video look dark and cloudy. This is something we can alter when we continue editing. We can routinely test it and ensure that it works well and effectively. 
  • In one particular section with all of the actors on screen, one disappears before another. So to rectify this we can change the transition ensuring that they occur at the same time, at the same location, and for the same duration. 
  • We did not manage to finish our rough edit of the entire song – this is something we will need to work on outside of lessons ensuring that we create a full rough cut. 
  • Alongside the projector issues we have faced, we have lost crucial mise-en-scene we created on our models through makeup and hair. This reduced the quality of the star image and makes the message to the audience unclear. This is something we will work on. 

Focus Forward

Overall I felt we made good progress with our music video and learned different tips and tricks when using effects. Having this knowledge and tackling any obstacles early on will ensure that in future edits, we are concise and consistent when editing. It enables us to have advanced knowledge on how to use different tools, which will be beneficial in the future. The most important lesson we learned during this task was understanding what the music video will look like when exported. In the future we will regularly export the video making sure that it is of high quality and the projector effect works well.

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