Textual Analysis

Your first attempt at completing a textual analysis of a TV drama clip – this will form part of one of your exams.

This is the task:

Analyse the ways in which mise-en-scene and camera communicates the different life styles of the people living and working in Downton Abbey. 

Here is the clip you should analyse:

Help! How is this group essay going to be compiled?

You should use this document to help you make notes and structure your analysis – you will work with a partner and the document is in classroom for you to make a copy of and then share with your partner.

Below is the presentation we gave you on mise-en-scene and camera. You should use this to remind you of the areas you should cover in mise-en-scene. It may also point you to ideas think about within in the sequence.

Here are some useful adjectives and a reminder of some alternative connectives/active verbs to represent.

Please submit your group essay via google classroom and adhere to the submission deadline.

Why not read some of the exemplar essays:

Terms, Significance to themes and issues = 15/25

Analysis, Examples = 10/25

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