Star Image – Theirs and Mine

KEY TERMS: Star image, ordinary, extraordinary, denotations, connotations, repertoire of elements, conventions.

Task 1

  1. Create a Google Slide called ‘Star Image Research and Planning’.
  2. Choose a famous artist who might appear on the front cover of your magazine.
  3. Complete some research in to how they are represented in the media.
    • Look at a range of different media texts (Metanarrative)
    • … social media, news items, cover stories, fan pages, headlines about them.
  4. Analyze how these images, headlines represent their star image (think ordinary and yet extraordinary).
  5. Use a rich variety of adjectives which help describe their ‘star image.’

See an example from this previous student

Task 2

On a second slide create a collage of mise-en-scene to represent your star in your first photoshoot – your ‘picture perfect’ design:

  • Costume
  • Make up
  • Body Language & Facial Expression
    • Proxemics (if more than one person)
  • Framing & Angle
  • Props
  • Lighting
  • Setting

Remember to identify the element of mise-en-scene and the impact / representation you hope that will convey.

An example

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