Masthead Design

KEY TERMS: brand, masthead, conventions, genre, AIDA, audience.


Now you know what your magazine is going to be called (you should have decided this for your Mission Statement), you need to have some fun designing some mastheads.

Don’t forget your planning and research into the competition!

Use the inspiration from the fonts you have included in your moodboard and design about 5 on one InDesign A4 template – make a note of the fonts, size that you use alongside it.

  • Design at least 4 from InDesign fonts (remember to download and install dafont if you find one there that you like)
  • Focus on weight, size, height, boldness etc and apply some effects – the FX button.
  • Remember, bold and conventional font for the genre of the music and one that is also eye catching.
  • Choose one final design and include it on its own A4 template in InDesign and position and size it accordingly.

You Blog Post pm Mastheads


  • Introduction to brand and importance of mastheads.
  • 4 InDesign examples.
  • 1 final design & why you’ve selected it
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