CCR1 – Question 3 – How did your production skills develop throughout this project? A letter to prospective student


For isolation study only.

“Do not do this work if you are attending school. There is time available after the magazine is finished. Those who are isolating will do this earlier and get an extension on their deadline, whilst you are doing this work after you’ve completed the magazine.”

Creative Critical Reflection 1 – Question 3

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

You have to think about your “skills,”, just like Napoleon Dynamite does…

You have thought about and evidenced your production journey in A Level Media Studies and all of the reflection is in your blog.

Most of the work for this question has already been done! So…Hooray & Hoorah!

This CCR will require you to reflect on how far you have come this year. In particular it will require you to reflect on the production skills you have acquired and how they have helped you become a more skilled (both technically and creatively) as a media producer and:

  • Photographer
  • Photoshop(er),
  • Designer
  • Journalist

Moreover, you have also learnt some valuable production skills that are easily transferable to other parts of your life, education and ultimately career:

  • Time management
  • Directing and Management
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Writing skills
  • Research and Planning

Mrs Cobb has done a screencastify presentation for you – listen and enjoy!


You will write a letter to a future A Level Media Studies student in order to prepare them for what lies ahead. You need to advise them to learn from your experience and perhaps also your mistakes.

  • Use the template in classroom to write your letter that you will later record.
    • Each skill must specifically refer to the IMPACT it had on the product.
    • Always try and mention  – how the skill impacted on genre, narrative, star image, audience etc.  Focus on AIDA and B and K too.

Key terms you should be trying to include: ‘audience, information, entertainment, social interaction, personal identity, star image, genre, conventions, narrative, attract, interest, desire, action.’ As well as: font, copy, coverlines, masthead, pugs, plugs, standfirst, drop capital, cover star etc  – all the terms you have already used in your reflection.

  • An Introduction – Dear Future A Level Media Student etc
    • Outline how you have acquired a variety of production skills that can be classified in various ways.
  • Technical Production Skills – include specific key skills you have learnt in Indesign and Photoshop and then focus on one particular anecdote (story) where you can describe the impact the technical production skill had on the product, project. 
  • Creative Production Skills – include key skills you have learnt about design, costume, photography, MES etc then focus on one particular anecdote (story) where you can describe the impact that creative production skill had on the product, project.
  • Transferable Skills – include key skills you have used and improved that you can use elsewhere in life – communication, time management, organisation, collaboration, confidence, literacy, computer skills etc. then focus on one particular anecdote (story) where you can describe the impact that transferrable skill had on the product, project.
  • A sign off and good luck.


Turn the letter into classroom so that your teacher can give you feedback.


Recording your letter on any application and upload as an MP3 into your blog CCR1 in a post entitled:

‘CCR1 – Question 3 – How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

You should also include the letter below the recording.

THIS IS AN EXEMPLAR of one recording previously, when they also had to do a presentation for it – we are not asking you to do the presentation – just the letter.


Be sure not to make it a list – instead ensure each skill has an example attached to it and how that skill specifically impacted on the product – how it affected star image, or genre, or narrative, or the audience.  We need specific scenes, shots, frames, angles, fonts, colours etc and how that particular production skill impacted on them.

Remember, making the result ‘more professional’ or ‘more aesthetically pleasing’ is not enough – what do you mean by that? ALWAYS ADD IN A STORY, A FOR EXAMPLE, AN ANECDOTE.

Make it chatty, exciting and personal.


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