CCR – Question 4 – How did you integrate technologies (online, hardware and software) into this project?


Create an info-graphic using Picktochart using stills from your music magazine, and screen shots of the skill/technology being used.

You must also comment on how the various examples of software, hardware and online technologies were integrated in the production process and / or impacted on the final outcomes of the product or developed on your production skills (can be overlap with the letter you wrote for CCR3).

The most important aspect of the commentary is that you say specifically how the technology impacted on your development of the project in the following five stages:

  1. Research, Planning & Development
  2. Production (Taking photos)
  3. Post Production (Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator)
  4. Evaluation & Feedback (Drafts and feedback)
  5. Presentation (Exporting (PDFs & Flipsnack)

For each stage of production (above) choose two examples of hardware, software and online technologies. Make sure you include all stages of the production process i.e. research/planning, production, post production and evaluation/feedback. 

Example of technology you used included:


  • Cameras (DLSR and Point and Shoot)
  • Lighting and Flash Equipment
  • I-phones
  • Flash Kit in the Studio

Software (Adobe)

  • Bridge
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator

Online technology:

  • Edublogs (WordPress)
  • YouTube (Online Tutorials)
  • Social Media / Facebook / WhatsApp
  • Padlet / Canva / Piktochart
  • Google + Docs & Slides
  • Screencastify(Teachers’ Feedback)

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The commentary

You should be specific about how you employed the technology. Describe what you were able to achieve creatively & organisationally with these various technologies, such as…

  • Researching conventions in professional media texts
  • Gathering inspiration & sharing ideas
  • Production planning / inspiration
  • Production organisation & group communication / collaboration
  • Production techniques (Framing, camera movement, backdrops, lighting…)
  • Using filters & image control for representing brand / star
  • Using brushes and filters for reflecting the genre of the music
  • Colour Correction
  • Arranging elements on the page + text wrapping
  • Layering images / using opacity / blending
  • Converting / compressing files for different use (Thumbnails (jpegs) / Reading (pdfs))
  • Uploading and embedding media into blogs
  • Feedback (Self, Peer, Teacher)
  • Tracking & recording progress

Avoid throw away comments such as…

  • ‘…the technology made it more professional!’
  • ‘…the technology made it more attractive!’
  • ‘…the technology helped make it more aesthetically pleasing!’

The Images

Do not simply use logos / generic you find on Google images. Instead:

  • Take screenshots of your use of software
  • Take photos of key pieces of kits
  • Take screenshots of specific pages / site


Please note we have slimmed this CCR down from previous years and there is no need for you to cover all three types of technology in all five stages!
So long as you have cover all three types of technology (software, hardware & online) at some point in the infographic you will be fine.
The marks will come from how well you describe the examples & techniques and how well your commentary explains the impact these technologies had on your production and the process.




Buzz words for your infographic…

Makes these command words bold every time you use them in the commentary to highlight your genius to the examiner:

  • Use: implemented, applied, engaged, used, tested, signed up, explored, investigated, analysed, planned, gauge, delegated, integrated
  • Progression:  improve, extend, develop, enhanced, extenuate, analyse
  • Create/creativity: develop, design, map out, collate, draft, experiment, aesthetics, design, layout, conventional, adapt, tweak, alter, amend
  • Achieve: succeed, result, deliver, appropriate
  • Integrate: Include , Involve, use, apply, combine, embed, amalgamate, experiment.


Use the term ‘CONVERGED TECHNOLOGY’ – i.e. the idea that one device can provide multiple / integrated functions.

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