CCR2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Task: This is Mrs Cobb explaining how to do this question in lockdown. So ignore some of the instructions re the tasks involved but the overview is essential listening as it describes what this question requires.


Create a screencastify commentary on how your magazine engages audience and how it might survive in a digital media world.

You must address the following questions:  (There is a template in Classroom for you to use.)

  1. Introduce your magazine, name, genre…
  2. Describe your brand values / mission statement?
    • How will your magazine be distinct from or similar to others?
  3. Who are your target audience?
    • Use YouGov, image and profile + other details FROM THE Young and Rubicam sheet below, eg: Tribewired… etc.
  4. Why would that audience buy your magazine?
    • Link to Uses and Gratification or AIDA…You should have @ 8 different specific elements that address B and K ideas and AIDA’s elements.
  5. Who would you want to work with to distribute your magazine?
    • Which of the big magazine groups would you hope to distribute your magazine?
    • How does your magazine fit with their existing publications?
  6. What sort of advertiser would you hope to attract?
    • Link to your two selected ads & explain.
  7. What strategies do you have for distribution? How will you link your print content with online content?
    • Explain how a traditional print version of your magazine would work and how a digital online version would work.

How can a print magazine survive in digital world?

  • Some answers & thoughts 
    1. Sensational celebrity gossip stories – Churnalism (cheap and easy)
    2. Freebies, competitions, exclusive content, additional content in print version
    3. Reduce cover price (free) & rely on ad sales.
    4. Link to enhanced digital content on website.
    5. Employ social media to promote our brand.
      • Audience participation & interaction (Uses and Gratification)
    6. Link digital content back to print, whet the audience’s appetite, require the audience to buy print version to get full details.
    7. Use a paywall for online content.

Making The CCR Presentation

Using your flipsnack magazine, record your voice over whilst flipping the pages as screencastify records your response.

  • You will need to use your Laptop with a built in mic to record this.
  • You should endeavor to ensure that you use the ‘pointer / pens tool’ when referring to elements of the magazine and ensure that you are turning the pages as and when appropriate.


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