Final advice – last couple of days

Before you leave for Xmas you must do the following:

On your home page upload:

  • The music video and introduce it – xxx by xxx
  • The digipak –  4 panes preferably on one A3 and then linked to the pdf’s and panes labelled.
  • The social media page – screen shot of home page and linked to the actual site with a slideshare presentation of all the posts, stories in case it gets taken down.
  • Upload your CR essay in the CR Category – 4 questions at the top but no questions in the body of essay. It should start with the branding question and then include the conventions, representation and then audience section last.

Over Xmas:

  • If you want to amend, complete any blog posts then please do so.

But once we are back at school, the coursework has to be put to one side as we have a LOT OF GROUND TO COVER and NEW MATERIAL – so you will need clear heads and clear desks.

Good luck – one last push.




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