12 Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers and the Death of News

Learning Intention :

To understand the ways in which technology, aka. the algorithms designed to monetise your attention, have fragmented society. 

How the role (& profitability) of the traditional news media is being further eroded by the epidemic of fake news.

Idea One:
Beware online “Filter Bubbles” Eli Pariser

Considers how our social (media) experiences have been fragmented and fractured.

We are living in an echo chamber inside a filter bubble.

Be prepared to define the following terms or explain the idea…

  • Personalised Search Results
  • Filter Bubble
  • “Informational Vegetables and Informational Dessert”
  • Broadcast vs Narrowcast
  • Algorithmic Gatekeepers
  • Why should we consume media which are challenging or uncomfortable?
  • What did they dream the internet could be?
  • What is the, ‘Web of One?’

Class Discussion Topic

So what?

Idea two
How Fake News Grows in a Post-Fact World – Ali Velshi

Explains how we have ended up in a post-fact world

A mainstream media journalist making a case for the mainstream traditional journalist.

Some ideas to discuss, some terms to define.
  • Reliable sources
  • Do you agree with his definition, ‘Fake news…sows confusion that obscures basic facts, thereby impeding necessary debate?’
  • Sponsored Content
  • Delegitimise journalism
  • Holding power to account
  • Alternative facts
  • ‘Fake news’ is crowding out ‘real news’ – very postmodern.
  • Algorithms decide on the news you see based on where you are online.
  • Clickbait, cookies and…algorithms.
  • You are more likely to repost salacious, sensational or negative news.

Class Discussion Topic

What does living in a post-fact world mean for democracy?

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