14 Some Media Ecology Writing

‛The media control how we understand and connect with the world.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? [30]

An essay is designed to test your thinking. so…

…some ‘thinking’ technique.

First off.

Don’t let the question intimidate you!

Without even thinking about what we’ve studied...what do you think?

Err …you’ve got to be thinking, “Yep, it ‘controls’ a heck of a lot about what ‘we understand’ and how ‘we connect’ with the world.”

Then the answer is, “explain why you think that… and if you can use some key concepts, terms, contexts, examples & theorists we’ve taught you even better!” (Answers below…)

Now…read the question again!!! Write it down!

Read it again!

Then…read the last sentence again really carefully:

“To what extent do you agree with this statement?”

So…’to what extent,’ means it’s about a thoughtful balanced argument on both sides, but feel free to have a strong opinion one way or the other.

Some arguments / ideas / points / paragraph headings.

…take your pick. Warning, you can’t do all of them…

Pick three or four and do them well and in detail (give examples).

  • Converged technology has given rise to fandom.
  • Gerber clearly shows we are ‘effected’ by the media – the algorithm and human nature have amplified the effect and fractured society.
  • We are addicted to our devices.
  • Data is the new commodity. How is it harvested, packaged up and sold to a customer?
  • We now live in a surveillance economy.
  • Identity and ideology is at the heart of the culture wars.
  • Online tribes have real impacts in the real world. ‘Tribes’ is just another way of saying ‘audience,’…of saying ‘us!’
  • We have a number of ‘negotiated’ identities which exist simultaneous online and offline. How are these identities shaped by the two-step flow?
  • We all have our own echo chamber. Moreover, that echo chamber lives in a filter bubble, where your attention is monetised.
  • You have been manipulated by bespoke content on social media. Trump and Brexit tell us so.
  • Culture and humankind has evolved a lot since the advent of communication technology (aka smart phones and the internet). The best is yet to come!


  • We have become, ‘Trapped in the Matrix.!  Where we can no longer distinguish between our real selves and our virtual selves! Help!


You can use you own media consumption as case studies.

And…your learning from other subjects.

We love to learn new stuff.

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