An Assembly Essay

Next week you will be writing an answer to this question:

‛The media control how we understand and connect with the world.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? [30]

Incidentally the same topic as the assembly we are giving on Thursday morning next week (2.2.23).

I use the adverb ‘we’ advisedly. However, Mr G certainly will be presenting.

First off. A call for volunteers.

Would you like to say something interesting, surprising, shocking, scandalous, concerning…about the current state of the media ecology and the impact on audiences – us?


5 things you have found interesting or significant about the media ecology.’

You should work in groups of five. Each of you must explain, in one sentence, the thing that has struck you as interesting / important so far. Each of you must choose a different idea from the others in your group and you submit…as a group.

Please clarify your ideas first to each other and then individually write your different idea.

Help each other.

You should use the copy in classroom allocated to your group – choose one slide and add in your ideas into that slide.

Please could you write an email to: if you would like to present.

Looks good on a CV

…now that’s desperate!


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