04 Digital Distribution, Audiences & Democratisation.


  • To explore how audience & industry are (re)shaped by converged technology (aka…the internet & smartphones)
  • To explore the impact (converged) technology on the relationship between audience & star image.

We will be able to answer the following Media Ecology questions by the end of this lesson:

  • “To what degree has the smartphone revolutionised the audiences and institutions…using the music industry as a case study.”
  • “Convergence of the media has led to a more democratised media ecology.” 
  • “Analyse the significance of a particular technological development in the media”.

The rise of converged technology has been exponential in recent years – you have known no different but even in your lifetime, think of how worn technology such as the smartwatch has been developed.  Converged technology and in particular, the smart phone has revolutionised how media is made, distributed and consumed.

Converged Technology can be classified as a DISRUPTOR. 

Task 1
  • Name as many different types of converged technology as you can (Remember the Generation Game we played in the Music Industry module?)
Task 2
  • List as many ways you can think of, that the Smartphone has impacted on the production and consumption of music in recent years?

Remember the Integrated Advertising vide by Satchi and Satchi….when advertising & music used to be a one way transaction but now it is an interactive and synergised product?

Task 3

  • Read the theorist post on Shirky in the class blog and make some notes….or…discuss:

“Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.” Case study, Andrew Tate & Greta Thunberg.

Then read why Shirky is important for independent study.

Task 4

In pairs, you will be allocated a particular impact of technology on society.

Consider how the smart phone has impacted and  disrupted the media (use the  music industry if stuck) in relation to your allocated area.

One on piece of A4 – create a slogan that sums up your thinking and on the back list in clear writing @ 3 facts, stats, quotes, case studies that will act as evidence to your slogan/focus area.

Show your findings as a placard as though you were in a march/demo in favour of or against technology and democratisation of  the media as a good thing for society.

Decide which side you’re on…

The areas are:

    1. participation & community
    2. interaction 
    3. identity
    4. immediacy & urgency
    5. sensationalism
    6. clickbait
    7. fake news
    8. democratisation
    9. family

You will be asked to present your placard and describe your slogan and point of view to the class using examples to the class.

Task 5

Independent Study.

  • Using the presentation in classroom called Technological Influence in the Media, create a slide and add in 2 x photos of your slogan and your facts and stats. Then annotate the slide with relevant theories that would help support your findings and any other key concepts, debates that you think are also relevant to your observations.

I am a Media Prosumer? My Media Diet.



Question of the Week:

“What new ideas have you learnt about your role as a media prosumer in the wider media ecology.”

Here is the article for the week to help you think about this.

Get into the habit of reading up about your next  Media Lesson. It will be interesting to see how many of you actually visited our blog before this lesson.  If you are reading this, then well done you!  Always, refer to the key terms at the start of the blog post to know what key and important vocabulary you should be including in your blog post reflections.


Create a collage with a minimum of 15 – 20 pictures that illustrate your MEDIA DIET

What you read, watch and listen to.  In other words what media do you consume?

When you watch, listen and read, you are called a CONSUMER.

Also, what media do you contribute to?  What apps, blogs, social media do you add texts, status and click and likes to?

When you interact and contribute to the media, you are called a PROSUMER.

An example – WITH some ideas from media theorists,

Blumler & Katz

You will use ideas described in the Uses and Gratification theory from Blumler and Katz, to indicate which of these media you use for your:


Annotate about 6-8 of the examples with E, SI, PI, I to show that you understand how you use media for various needs and pleasures:

You should complete the collage using a  single Google Slide, then download it as a jpeg – it will be embedded into your first blog post!

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