Finalising the Preliminary Task and Evaluation Questions

  1. Export your video from Premiere Pro (use an H.264 file format & match source attributes);
  2. Upload your video to your YouTube channel;
  3. Copy the embed code underneath your video in YouTube;
  4. Paste the embed code into the text tab in your blog or go to add ‘Add Media’ and ‘Embed media’;
  5. Then cut and paste the following sentences into your post and complete the sentence stems…
  • I have used the following camera techniques…
  • I used these techniques to create a sense of/that….
  • I have learnt to use the following continuity editing rules…
  • I used these rules to…
  • I have learnt to use the following tools/techniques in Premiere Pro…
  • I used these tools to…
  • If I was to do this project again I would do some things differently,…

You should also embed your Script and Shot List if possible.

You should store this post in UNCATEGORISED for the time being as we will be creating new categories for your Music Video work.

The Blog League for Music Video starts next week.

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