DSLR Menu Filming Settings


If you are going to use a DSLR to shoot your music video you are going to have to tackle the video settings.

The settings you choose will depend on:

  • Lighting and shadows
  • Motion or lack of
  • Depth of field

These are the settings that should work if you were to film outside on a sunny day.

Make sure the camera is switched to filming mode and then press the menu button on the back of the camera.

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  • Exposure
    • Auto will set a compromise between shutter speed, ISO and exposure
    • Manual if you want a very specific effect (bokeh or movement).
      • Only use this if you are confident & had experience with a DSLR.
  • Focus
    • Auto Focus (FlexizoneAF).
    • AF w/shutter button during filming (enable).
      • This will allow you to change focal length by pressing the camera shutter button whilst you are filming)
      • Ensure the lens is switched to AF
    • Manual Focus (for shallow DoF & pulling focus). This will give you control over the manual focus.
      • Ensure the lens is switched to MF & use the focus ring at the end of the lens to change focus
        • Only use if you are confident.
        • It might look in focus in camera but be blurred on a larger screen!
  • Contrast
    • High Light Tone Priority enable for filming in bright (sun)light to avoid light colours being washed out.
    • This will mean you cannot change other settings – these are done automatically
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  • Video System – NTSC
  • If you want to use slow motion in the edit.
    • Movie Rec Size: 1280×720 (60 fps)
  • If you want to get better quality colour & image definition
    • Movie Rec Size:  1920×1080 (30fps)


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