LYOTARD – how would he see the metanarrative of CELEBRITY?


Metanarrative – Also known as a grand narrative, this refers to an overarching narrative or system of beliefs that helps us to make sense of the world.

Examples of metanarratives

Science teaches us to make sense of the world through logic and what we can objectively prove. Our problems are likely caused by illogical people and bad methodology.
Religion teaches us to live a better life so we can access an afterlife, and that faith is more important than evidence to the contrary. Our problems are likely to be tests from a higher being to make sure we’re ready for the afterlife.
Marriage traditionally teaches us to abstain from sexual intercourse until we meet and wed ‘the one’, who we remain with forever. More recently, it has become entirely acceptable to have a number of romantic partners before ‘settling down’ in a monogamous, long term relationship.
Marxism teaches us to make sense of the world through the conflict between the working class and the ruling class. The working class are often seen as heroic in this metanarrative, while the ruling class create many issues and problems.

Celebrity as metanarrative

While it may seem ridiculous to compare the messages of celebrity culture to the values of religion or science, celebrity is a metanarrative itself, and audiences can learn much from it, both good and bad!

Here are some examples of how the metanarrative of celebrity can shape an audience’s life:

  • Celebrities can be a role model for audiences. Depending on their dedication, fans can learn how to dress, how to act, who to vote for, what to eat…
  • Celebrities can provide a structure to fan’s lives. Fans can look forward to the next music video, can track down interviews, and save up for gig tickets
  • Celebrities can provide social interaction to fans. Fans can meet other fans through meet-ups, social media and forums, and can even form lifelong friendships
  • Celebrities demonstrate hegemony and hierarchies. They can dictate our own place in the world, and help us make sense of who we are. According to the metanarrative of celebrity, some people are just better than other people!
  • Celebrities can demonstrate how people can better themselves. According to the metanarrative of celebrity, we can better ourselves by becoming as famous as possible!
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