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Music Video Draft 4

Here is draft 4 of our music video. In this version we really cut down the longer performance shots and inserted close ups and more movement shots to make the music video fast paced and each shot to change in time with the music.

I am really happy with the outcome of this music video because of the time spent editing and the vast changes since draft 3. I am glad that we had enough footage to cover all of the left over gaps and empty spaces throughout the video.


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Music Video Draft 3 feedback and targets

I really wanted to try a different style of media to collect feedback for Draft 3 of our music video; so I decided to use Snapchat. This was a way to receive quick, informal results on how our peers felt about our draft 3. Using Snapchat meant we got responses extremely quickly and funny photos at the same time, to make the feedback section more enjoyable and exciting to look at.

Positive Feedback included:

*Love the pan shot of the plane at the beginning of the video.

*’It’s sick!’

*Looks professional

*Cool locations.


Negative Feedback included:

*Quality of life bouy is a lot less than the other shots

*Blank black screen

*Trembling shots.


Targets include:

*Make the narrative even clearer

*Fill in empty shots

*Faster paced editing.

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Music Video Draft 3

Here is Draft 3 of our music video!

Here you are able to see the changes we have made to respond clearly to the feedback received previously, we have now added in titles to introduce the song and more shot transitions which are subtle but work well in their places.


I am very happy with this product as we now have a clearer narrative where the main actor reads a note and smashes his guitar in anger, to show the audience exactly what is happening and the emotions he is feeling.

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Draft 2 feedback and targets

After uploading our Draft 2 to Vimeo, we thought it would be a good idea to ask students what they thought of our video and how we could improve it. To receive our feedback we asked seven students from Sixth Form, to evaluate our work via a paper form.












We had very positive feedback from our draft 2, which was extremely pleasing and motivational for us to complete the project. From this we have seen positives for example:

*Good use of mise-en-scene- ‘Brilliant’

*Holding shots steady

*Editing to meaning

*Good narrative

However we were really looking for some feedback on where we could improve, and the students came back with:

*Include titles

*Create more framing shots

*Insert more shot transitions

*More extreme close ups

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Music Video Draft 2

Below is draft 2 of our music video. This is the main section of editing which includes the narrative of our music video for the song 7. Here you are able to see how the narrative and performance are coming along to create a final product. Although not all of the narrative necessarily makes sense at the moment, it gives a good indication in which the story will tell and the ideas we have for the final product.

Overall I am really happy with the outcome of draft two because of the slick shot transitions, movement shots and the general narrative idea, that the main performer is unwanted from the group anyone and become lonely and has no friends anymore.


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Music Video – Shoot Evaluation – narrative

Below are some images of our shoot days, filming Sades’ solo parts and Kris and I went to film the sunset.


From the photographs above you are able to see the time spent setting and planning our shoots.

Shoot 1- Sades.

What went well?

*During this shoot we worked really well as a team especially when Kris drove his car along a lane, I sat in the passenger seat and filmed Sades running along the corn field. This shows team work as I instructed kris what speed to go driving and asked Sades to start running at a particular time.

*Another thing that went well during this shoot was our planning, this is because we charged the camera the night before, made sure we had a tripod, handy cam and land board (for tracking shots). We then asked Sades if he was free on the Monday for shooting over the weekend so he had time to make sure he was available and Kris found the shorts for Sades to wear.

What did not go so well?

*Unfortunately due to filming in the morning, Sades did not wake up. So we had to phone him many times to get him out of bed meaning we lost approximately half an hour of filming.

*Every location for the filming was far away from each other meaning there was a lot of travelling involved between each shoot. However luckily we had a car to travel to each place as soon as we could.



Shoot 2- Sunset Time lapse.

What went well?

*The stand for the phone worked well, myself and Kris collected items from home to make the phone balance. For example we got a box and stood the phone inside of it.

*Another thing that went well was the commitment between Kris and I, this is because we took a Sunday evening off from personal lives and sat outside around the west coast for about one and a half hours.

What did not go so well?

*Unfortunately Kris and I decided to film on my iPhone 6s, which initially was a good idea and also suggested to us by the Specsavers team, however the footage was too long and consisted of 25GB meaning it was unable to be uploaded to the school computer and onto Premiere Pro. So myself and Kris ended up filming useless footage..  Next time we will film the sunset using the time lapse setting so that it will load up as a smaller file.

*Another thing that did not go so well was it was a extremely windy day meaning that half way through the footage the phone slipped, leading to a jump in the filming.



Shoot 3-  Group Narrative.

What went well?

*All members came dressed in appropriate clothing for the genre of our music video, wearing quirky, original clothing.

*We managed to get a wide range of shots from movement shots to close ups and establishing shots, this has helped us massively because we now have enough footage to create interesting, fast paced shots and transitions.

*We were very organised for this shoot as we had planned what we needed and who would take what to the shoot accordingly.

What did not go so well?

* During this shoot I found that the group members were smoking in too many of our videos and therefore we are unable to use them because of the health and safety hazzard.

* Another thing I felt did not go so well was the time of day that we did the shoot because of the winter evenings leading to darker late afternoons. If we were to shoot again I would recommend not to shoot after school as there is very little daylight left.



Shoot 4- Final Sades.

What went well?

*I believe that we captured a wide range of shots again, you are able to see this from the images above where I am standing at different heights and positions to capture the best possible angle.

*Almost all of the shots were in focus and are at interesting angles.

What did not go so well?

*Our actor (Sades) turned up late to the shoot meaning we had a lot less time to complete this important shoot of narrative. This meaning we were unable to go back to school and take photos of him for our digipak.

*The actor did not arrive in the same shoes as the last time so we were unable to take any full body shots.

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Music Video Production Meeting Agenda – Narrative

Here is my groups meeting agenda for the narrative part of our music video. This post shows what we need for the location, where we will be filming, who will need to be there and which members of the group are filming each part of the narrative.


After this shoot we have planned another day to go out and collect any shots that we feel that we will need in our music video. The below production meeting agenda shows Sades’ main filmed parts of the narrative where he is alone, lost, and distressed.

screen-shot-2016-10-14-at-14-46-54 screen-shot-2016-10-14-at-14-47-01

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Music Video – Narrative Storyboard

Below is the link to our narrative storyboard. We created this storyboard so we would collect every shot that we needed and thought was essential for our music video narrative. We added the types of shots we would use for example close ups, long depth of field and mid shots.

Creating this storyboard has helped us with the organisation of the shooting days, so we know what to shoot where and when.



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Draft 1 feedback and targets

After creating our first draft of the performance section for out music video we decided to get feedback from peers and our media teacher. This gave us the opportunity to see their opinions on our work so far.

We asked for targets on our work so we have areas that we can improve on. Below are the targets and ideas suggested:

*To use more close ups

*Quicker cuts to close ups and different shots

*More movement shots

*Larger variety of shots

*Fast paced editing.

Mrs Cobb’s feedback:

Adam’s feedback:

Ben’s feedback:

From all of this feedback it is clear to us that we need to include more variety of shots, more movement shots and quicker editing techniques to keep the music video flowing, interesting and exciting for the audience.

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Music Video Draft 1

Here is our music video performance section, draft 1. We have included basic editing skills into this draft, aligned the vocals to the lyrics of the song and included different angles of shots.

Although this is a rough cut of our music video, I am able to see our potential and how we are going to create a music video to the best of our abilities.