Hello media studies!

Hello, My name is Annabelle, as well as media I am studying Art and Sociology. For media I have noticed that you need a wide rage of skills. An Example of one of these skills is the skill to be creative, I 5 Reasons Art Is Good For You, The Soul, And The World. | OBX Art Studiothink I have this skill as I enjoy art and design and ill be able to widen these skills as I’m doing art as an A level. I like he idea of making posters, magazines and designing things and I know this is a large part of media studies so i’m looking forward to this part as well as learning more about this subject and widening my skills to then help with with further work in the future.

Another skill that is needed in media is the skill to be organised, I believe that i’m fairly organised although sometimes I can be a little forgetful but I wouldn’t say i’m too bad as i’m trying to improve on this skill as I know I will need it in the future as I know I need to keep up with my work and stay on track, you also need to be able to use this skill in media as it becomes useful to be able to keep up with your work and to be able to study and do work at home as well as in class so you can always hand your work in on time and keep up with the rest of the class.

I don’t have many other skills I could list but I would like to learn some new skills that are necessary in media such as time management skills which means you know how long a week or day you need to be studding for a certain subject and you are able to do this in your independent studies, but I need to practice and widen this skill to make sure that I am doing my work right and therefore am not behind the class. Other skills that are needed are some transferable skills so I can learn to work harder and be more productive so I can then get more work completed easier and faster.

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