Question 2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My magazine is distinct from others as I used bright eye catching colors to pull my audience towards my magazine when comparing it to others. My target audience is a wide range, this is male and female from ages 15-40 as these people could be intrigued by how they haven’t seen this type of magazine or foe the older audience it may bring back past memories.

My magazine includes Entertainment and Diversion therefore an Escape from everyday life making the audience laugh, cry and overall experience emotions. Personal Identity is another aspect my magazine includes, meaning Media texts reflect your own personal values and beliefs or they provide the opposite that you will disagree with. 

My magazine would be a hard copy and not an online magazine but instead something people can buy from a shop and that is why if I were to choose a magazine distributor I would choose ACH Publishing as they publish and distribute new magazines and aim them at the correct audience. One way my magazine fits with their existing publications is that ACH publishing publishes both mass-market and high-volume newspapers and weekly magazine titles, as well as low volume specialist/niche monthly publications meaning they do a mixture of everything leaving room for my magazine to be one of a kind.

The sort or Adviser I would like to attract would be clothes adds as well as an all round variety, therefore making sure that the wide range of my audience feel included meaning they can relate to my magazine and feel as if they are meant to be reading it them self.

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