Detailed Music Video Analysis

For this task I had to pick a star in which I could analyse closely, this includes a star who is constantly in the media and who has a star image in which I could closely analyse. This star would have to have stories in the media, an star image to his name and have content in which I could analyse, this includes a music video and a digi-pack.

The star I chose to analyse was Wiz Khalifa, I chose Wiz Khalifa because he is constantly in the news concerning drug use, he also recently wrote a song dedicated to Paul Walker, The actor in the Fast and Furious film franchise who recently pasted away. This song has recently become very popular, this is the reason I decided to analyse the music video to this song.

By analyzing this music video I have learnt that the star image usually matches to the genre of the music and that the mise-en-scene also matches with the star image and genre of the music. In the case of Wiz Khalifa he is a rap artist, in the music video the costume he is wearing is very common amongst rap artists. Including the denim clothing and the tattoos on the artist. The music video also has connections to the Fast and Furious franchise by having fast cars within the music video, this can also be an intertextual reference to the Fast and Furious franchise.

To see the music video in which I analysed click the video below.

To see the in depth analysis of See You Again by Wiz Khalifa click the image below.

Close Analysis of Wiz

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