Category: Planning

Production Meeting Agenda – Performance

The final preparation before we filmed our music video performance was to create our production meeting agenda, this document contained all the information regarding the shoot, such as, when it would take place, location, who was needed, and who needed to bring what. This document was important as it meant that everyone had their role and were aware so, come the day, nothing could be forgotten or someone missed the filming. The document also contained a brief outline of what needed to be filmed so that no significant moments could be missed.

To see the Production meeting agenda for performance Click the image below.


Reverse Storyboard Shot Analysis

Before we could plan our shots for our own music video we researched into another band within the same genre as our chosen artist, and from the music video we took shots which we though we could use during our own music video. By doing this reverse shot list, a shot list containing shots from other music videos, we are able to widen the amount of shots we use during our performance and change angles and shot positions.

Click the Image below to see the reverse shot list.









From doing this task I have discovered a variety of shots that work well within the genre of American Rock, and also some angles that may not work as well. This task helps with the lead up to planning our own shot list as I already have a number of ideas to contribute to the group. This helps with organisation skills within the group and allows an insight into popular shots within the genre of American Rock.

Risk Assessment – Music Video

Before we are able to film our performance we must first be sure that what we are doing is done in the safest environment possible. To make sure of this we had to fill out a risk assessment sheet, on this sheet we stated all the dangers and said whether they can be dealt with and what precautions needed to be take. Once the document was complete it was signed by us, a member of staff and our parents.

To See The Risk Assessment Click The Image Below.Risk assessment

Narravite/Perfomance Timeline

Before we can compile a shot list we first have to have an understanding of what is going to be happening during the music video, at what points we want performance and when we want narrative, we also need to know where key moments in the narrative may take place. This task is important to us as a group because we can have a full understanding of our music video before we create in, meaning that production will be simpler.

We did this task by listening to the song, and when lyrics lined up with narrative ideas we jotted down time frames on our timeline and noted what would happen during that moment of the music video.

To see the Timeline Click the images below.
















From doing this task we as a group decided that the performance would mostly take place during the chorus of the song and the ending, whilst the narrative would mainly take place during the verses of the song, by listening to the song we heard the lyrics, “Let the sun rain down on me”, so as a group we decided to use a shot where the sun, or light source is very strong over the main singer.

Pitching Our Ideas – Prezi

Next, we as a group needed to pitch our song idea to the rest of the class, we did this as we believed that this would not only help our class understand our ideas but it would allow us as a group to look further into ideas for our song choice and how we were going to present our performers and where the performance would be filmed.

We presented our ideas to the class with a prezi presentation, after we presented our ideas we were given feedback by the classmates we presented our ideas to, we recorded the feedback we were given and have take targets away from the feedback.

Since the feedback we have altered our prezi presentation to add more information and fix any apparent problems.

To See Our Ideas Watch the Prezi Below.

To Hear the Group Feedback Listen to the Sound Clip Below.

Since receiving the feedback for our prezi presentation we have edited it to amend any problems. Firstly, we added more details regarding how we planned to create a thriller within a music video and what the narrative would be for this idea.

Secondly, we added more details regarding our location ideas, and how we planned to juxtapose the band against their surroundings, and then have them match the location. We also added more detail regarding the mise-en-scene and costume as well as the location.

Finally, we added more details on how we planned to like all three products, originally we had said we wished to link all the products, however, we did not explain how we were planning to achieve this, so we amended this and explained how we were going to use the advert to do this.

Music Video – Permission from artist

Before we could start filming for our music video, we needed to clarify with the artist whether we would be able to use their song for our music video. We took to the social media site twitter, where we tweeted both Panic! At The Disco’s twitter page and Brendon Urie’s twitter page, the lead singer of the band.

Click the images below to see the tweets we sent to the band.






After uploading our rough cut to youtube our video was taken down with a copyright strike, however upon returning the next day to the video the copyright strike has been lifted as instructed by claimant from WMG, the owner of the copyrighted material.

Click the image below to view the lifting of the copyright and the terms and conditions left by the copyright material owner.











After receiving this lift of the copyright strike we believe that this is the bands response to our tweet so chose to go ahead with our idea and continue to use the song.

Final Song Choice

After all the planning we as a group have decided on using Ballad Of Mona Lisa by Panic! at the Disco. After debate between the songs we both put forward we decided to use Cameron’s song choice as both Cameron and I shared ideas which we believed are both achievable and also fit the song and its lyrics. After studying the lyrics both believed we could put a thriller type narrative into the song using both Amplified and Illustrative narrative. Our ideas may include a murder and kidnapping of a girl.

Below is the songs lyric video.

Panic! At The Disco – Star Image

To get an idea for the band that performed our song of choice, we created a pinterest page with various images of the band and their material. By creating this page we are able to compare our artist against the connotations of their genre and get an understanding of their style as a band.

Ultimately we can use this in order to help us shape our bands star image for when we come to film our performance section of the music video.

To See The Pinterest Page See The Link Below

Follow Anthony’s board Star Image – Panic! At The Disco on Pinterest.

Description of Average Audience Member

For a product to be well received we need to understand our target audience, who our product is aimed towards, what are their interests, age, Etc. We need to understand the audience in order for our product to appeal to them and for the product to be successful. We did this by creating a fake Facebook profile of what we believe to belong to an audience member of our song, this includes personal information, such as age, where they live and where the were educated. This allowed us to have a better understanding of our target audience.

To See Our Facebook Page Click the Image Below.


Genre Voicethread

In order to understand the conventions of our band. Panic! at the Disco, we researched into other bands which fall into the same genre as Panic! at the Disco, which is American Rock. From researching the genre we discovered many conventions of the American Rock genre and also how our chosen band contrasts some of these conventions within their music video and digi-pack.

With our findings we created a short powerpoint presentation as a way to present our findings, we used voicethread in order to record our voices and play it over the presentation in order to present all the information in which we discovered on genre.

Click the link below to see our Voicethread on Genre.

This task was important to us as it gave us a deeper understanding of our chosen band and the genre in which they are apart of. This will help us when it comes to creating our music video as we can follow some of the conventions which we discovered during this task, or maybe to even contrast them.