One task that we had to complete as part of our media coursework was the preliminary task. The purpose of this was to train us in camera techniques and editing. These techniques will later be used in our final piece of coursework.

The brief to the task was: “A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.

This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.”

  • The camera techniques that were used in this were: extreme close up, long shot, a mid shot and a regular close up.
  • I learnt some of the rules of continuity, these were: the 180 degree rule,  match on action and shot reverse shot. These rules help to make sure the content on screen makes sense to the viewer, it allows gives explanation as to what is happening on screen.
  • Whilst editing the footage that we shot we used a piece of software called “Premiere Pro”. Whilst using this program we learnt to use some of the tools that were available. These were: the selector tool,  the razor tool and the set in/set out. These tools were used to turn the footage into a narrative that makes sense.
  • If I was to re-do this task the things that I would do would be to ensure that I don’t break any of the continuity rules and to also film some extra shots, so to improve the background.