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Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 7: “Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product”

To answer this question we recorded an interview of our group discussing the things that we had learnt during the process of researching, planning, producing and also the post-production stages of our thriller. we also discussed the way in which the things we learnt impacted our thriller.

The things that I learnt during this process:

  • Sound Design
  • Planning
  • Editing
  • Filming
  • Colour/Gradient tools
  • Acting on feedback
  • Ideas development

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 6: “What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?”

To answer this question I had to construct a table that contained pictures/logos of the pieces of technology and software that me and my group made use of whilst producing our thriller, in which I explained how we used that piece of technology to produce our thriller. This task was important as it helped me to solidify my knowledge of the various pieces of technology that I used over our coursework.

Below is the table (it is comprised of the categories research, planning and development, production, post production, feedback and presentation, and evaluation and reflection.):


Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 5: “How did you attract/address your audience?”

To answer this question we as a group added in various title screens into our final media product. These title screens would explain the ways in which we have attracted our audience by use of the micro features of media, these features being: Camera, Editing, Sound and Mise-En-Scene.


Below is the video, please click to watch:


Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation question 4: “Who would be the target audience for your product?”, this question was used in order for us to figure out who belongs to our core target audience.

To answer this question we had to create a slideshow about our target audience, their demographics and also their psycho graphics and then we went on to create a voice thread over the slide show that we had created.

In the voice thread we described the two main types of audiences (families and young people aged 16-24 ), the types of things that our target audience enjoys and expects within a thriller and finally describing the type of person that they are.

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

To answer this question (as a group) we created a slideshow that showcased various distribution companies both mainstream and indie, we also discussed within the slideshow which distribution company would be likely to distribute our film. This company was Icon, we also listed some movies that Icon have released, and the services that they could offer us. The final slides contained information on the methods of distribution that our distribution company would be likely to use, the places where our thriller would be screen and many other similar aspects of the distribution process.

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2: “How does your media product represent particular social groups”

To answer this question I had to analyse the ways in which my thriller represented various social classes as the characters as a conduit of social connotation.  These social groups include: Age, class and gender.

Click on the video below to view my analysis for Evaluation Question 2:



Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 1: “In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products”

To answer this question I created a “Prezi” presentation in which the conventions of generic thrillers are examined and compared to that of my thriller, highlighting points where I have used or challenged conventions of the thriller genre.

Below is the presentation, please click on it to view the presentation:


Sound Production and Editing

As part of post-production editing we as a group had to produce a score of foley sounds, so as to implement diegetic sounds into our thriller that weren’t quite captured in the original filming. This task was important as it helped us understand the importance and production of foley sounds and how much they contribute to a finished media product.

The sounds that we recorded were:

  • The slamming of a door
  • The sound of clothes brushing together
  • The sound of walking from various perspectives etc.

Below are pictures of our group recording our foley sounds:

Unlike most groups we edited our sound clips on Premier Pro as apposed to audacity. If we were to edit our sounds we would simply alter the audio gain, speed and duration and also the master volume of the audio file. By altering these aspects of the audio files we managed to make the sounds compatible with the atmosphere of what was happening on screen. By increasing the volume of the non diagetic sounds from quiet to loud increases the tension and leads the audience to anticipate what is to follow.

Sound Design

As part of our thriller we planned on using sounds that we could insert into our thriller to fill the gaps where dialogue was not being utilised or where white noise recorded in the shot was insufficient. The aim of the sound was to instil synaesthesia into the viewer. For example the use of low droning sounds gives the viewer feelings of dread and anticipation.

Below is a track from YouTube that we felt as group captured the general mood that we wanted to capture when inputting our sounds.

Below is a wordle of words that are associated with the music that is played:

Below is a list of possible sounds we could use:

Below are sound samples that we used:

“Dark Texture”

“No Answers Pensive Drone”

“Percussive Drums Dystopian”

“Sinister String fx Drone”

“Tension Build To Disturbing Pulse”

“Where Am I”

Draft 2 (Edit including titles)

As part of the editing process of our thriller we constructed a second draft which showcased our thriller with titles. We added in all of the necessary titles such as the producers, actors and also the main title. When creating our titles we had to take into consideration the length that the titles are on screen, the positioning of the titles, the animation and the size/font of the titles.

We showed another group our draft 2 and then conducted an interview in order to obtain their feedback. Adam Guille and Olivia Le Friec gave us feedback on how they thought the fonts, positioning, animations etc.

Below is the interview:

Targets that I have constructed based on the interviews:

  • Ensure that the titles are placed in the best position.
  • Ensure that all titles are bold and easily visible .
  • Ensure that all animations are the same (except the main title).

In summary of the interview we will have to re-position some of the titles and alter the time that they are on screen. It is also a good idea to make sure that all titles are of the correct font, size and animation.

We also received other pieces of feedback which can be seen below:

  • Make use of a different effect for the opening shot?

  • Employ more interesting animations for the titles

  • Have the main title on screen for long enough

  • Maintain the final shot for longer

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