March 26

Detailed Music Video Analysis

This is my detailed analyse of “Love Like This

In this task I had to write a detailed analysis of a professional music video; mine being “Love Like This” by Kodaline. We had to go into underlying messages that are being perceived through: Mise-En-Scene, camera movement/angles and sound.

In doing this is has allowed me to get a better understanding of how music videos work and how they’re portrayed to an audience. It has shown me that the narrative can easily tell a different story to the lyrics and how micro elements such as mise-en-scene and cinematography can have a huge impact on how well your video does.

This will help me when coming to do my video as I have a better idea of how I want mine to look and how i can enhance some of the ideas from this video to maximise the success of my video.

March 25

Music Video Forms & Conventions

In this task I had to analyse 5 music videos, the analysing involved knowing the band/singer, the title, the duration, the ratio of narrative to performance, the genre, the mise-en-scene involved, the themes and finally the structure. 

This has helped me understand how the professionals construct a music video, and how the narrative might have a relation with the lyrics. It also shows that you can have 3 different types of narratives, whether this is: illustration, amplification and disjuncture and how these 3 structures can have a serious impact on your video.

This task will be vital when coming to create my video as it gives me an insight into how music videos work, I will now have the information to be able to create a good and connected narrative for my video.