Early Mock Ups

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to create a mock up of my layout for my future magazine which needs to look like a conventional page of a music magazine. I had to do a layout of:

  • Contents Page- this includes lots of information about my magazine and some small images.
  • Front Cover- eye catching with lots of plugs, and a massive image of my main star.
  • Double Page Spread- pretty boring but important page holding articles and quotes, can also have a large image.

Using Post-It notes on A4 and A3 paper.

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that it is easy to make the mistake of getting the spacingĀ  wrong and making your pages look very empty and boring, to overcome this I just re-positioned different parts of the layout.


How Will This Help Me In The Future?

This will help me in the future as I now know how to layout a magazine so it looks professional and exciting. I also now know all of the conventions that needs to go on each page and how to fit them in nicely.



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