First Contact Sheet(s)

What was I tasked with?

I was tasked to do a photoshoot for my Music Magazine front cover. I decided to go for the Rap genre and wanted to chose my model and costume, along with this I made the decision to take the pictures in the ‘White Room’ I had to think about things like:

  • Lighting
  • Camera angles/ Distances
  • Costume
  • Facial Expressions/Body Language

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that I must make sure that all of the lighting equipment is set-up correctly so that my images look good, as you can see the background in some of the images is a yellow colour which looks unprofessional compared to the nice white background.

How Will I Use This In The Future?

I will use this new knowledge in future as I will now make sure the lighting is set-up correctly before I start taking pictures so I do not waste time taking photos when it’s not all properly set. Also I will now ensure the camera is on the correct settings to get the best quality images.


In conclusion, I feel I have some very good photographs but due to the lighting equipment not set-up I did waste a lot of time getting photos which weren’t good enough quality for my cover image. The images that did work out I think are very nice images and I am very happy with how they have come out.


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