Pitch + feedback

This is the video pitch that we did with our teacher


From our pitch I have 6 positives and 6 negatives.

Firstly the positives are:

  • We had a good theme to go with
  • We had some nice ideas
  • Creative and unique thoughts
  • Good points for narrative
  • Locations were well thought out

The negatives are:

  • some of our ideas are vague
  • Some of our theme needs some more thought
  • Our performance ideas need work
  • Mise en scene in general needs more thought
  • Lighting needs a rethink
  • costume needs to change

In the pitch we want to use quiet outside spaces and we have a forest and forts around where we live as some ideas. When it comes to costume and overall mise en scene, we only really have ‘casual’ clothing as what we want to do, and I think that when we think about it further we need to say exact pieces such as jeans, hoodie and hoodie.

Overall I think me and my group have got some good ideas and thoughts on mise en scene, location, theme and narrative but are lacking some more in depth ideas and also we need to give some thought on how our ideas will work when we shoot for real. Some of our points just need some refining but others might need a complete rethink.


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