All posts by erinvaudin

Music Video Draft 2

This is the second draft of our music video.

I chose this music video because it was quite similar to the style of our video. This is because they created a similar style of the music video to ours. For example using similar locations, lighting and our storyline is quite similar.

What they did well –

  • They used a variety of shots and distances
  • The videos were cut well with good transitions
  • The narrative is clear and interesting

How we could improve our music video –

  • We need to make the narrative more clear
  • We need to use more shots and angles to make our music video more interesting
  • We need to use more transitions because we use the same ones quite often
  • We need to make sure that our lipsyncing is always in time with the music
  • We need to make sure we are always considering mise en scene

Shoot Two Reflection (narrative)

For our second shoot which was narrative based my group aimed to focus on gaining shots that looked and felt quite euphoric and airy. Therefore we decided to shoot in a large field where the grass was overgrown. For costumes we also used decided to incorporate very light and floral patterns. For example one of our models wore a white, flowing dress with small blue flower across the fabric.

Photos from the shoot – 

What Went Well – 

  • The location was great for the feelings they we were trying to portray
  • The light and airy costumes also help to connote feelings oh happiness and euphoria
  • We were able to gather shots from a variety of different distances

Targets For Improvement – 

  • We could have gathered more shots so that we have more to work with when it comes to editing
  • Some of our shots have power lines or tall lamp posts like you can see in the second photo which is slightly unprofessional
  • We could have set ourselves a longer time to shoot so that we didn’t rush the process as much as we did

Production Meeting Agenda 2

Together my group and I completed a production meeting agenda in preparation for our first narrative shoot. This is extremely important because it allows us to envision what we want our shoot to look like and it helps us plan for what we will need to bring to our shoot, e.g costume, makeup and props. It is also helpful because it allows us to see what time and date we are shooting so we always have to refer back to, and it shows each of our group members what there assigned job for the shoot is. For example director, costume and makeup assistant and many other various jobs.

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Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Above is a short rough cut music video that we shot and edited which is made up of only performance.  We did this to make sure that we had recorded enough performance footage that we could use in our music video laced in with the narrative that we are shooting at a later date. I am happy with our first rough draft. I like the costume, the lighting and I think that our video is good for the genre. However when editing I noticed that I was finding it quite difficult because there simply were not enough clips. Therefore my group has decided to undergo an additional performance shoot to make sure that we will have no worries when editing the real thing.

What Went Well-

  • Good use of Mise en Scene
  • Locations are very professional
  • Camera angles are exciting and varied
  • Lighting is good

What We Could Do Better –

  • We need to get more clips
  • We should add more transitions
  • We need to work with more filters and find one more fitting for our video
  • Make sure that lip-syncing is always correct with lyrics

Shoot One Reflection (Performance)

For our first shoot we went to the prison lanes and recorded many different shots and angles for the performance side of our music video.  We chose this location because it has quite a grungy feel to it which is a theme that we want to communicate in our video.  Overall the shoot went well because we were able to gather many different shots and communicate lots of different emotions in our video.

What Went Well –

  • We were able to shoot a wide variety of shots and angles
  • Our choice of location was really good because it fits within the themes of our video and the song itself
  • We worked well together as a group and we all contributed to the shoot
  • Due to our preparation before hand we brought multiple outfits that fitted the character as well as accessories and we brought all of the correct equipment

Targets For Our Next Shoot –

  • We could improve our time keeping skills so that we our completely focused on working on the shoot and not getting distracted
  • We could gather even more shots to make sure that we don’t have to rerecord anything
  • We could have planned before hand further what shots we wanted to record so that we didn’t get stuck at the time and so that we don’t run out of time
  • We need to make sure not be silly and work collaboratively as a team so that everyone is doing work.


Star Image – The Performer

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In this task we decided to create a mood board of our chosen artists star image. We wanted to show how he is very different from the average person and why people look up to him as a star but also how deep down he has the same thoughts and feelings as normal people which is why he attracts so many fans and a large audience.

After researching The Weeknd’s meta narrative it is clear, that he in his music he wants to come across as quite dark, grungy and slightly creepy. He shows this trough the dark or red LED lights that he has used in multiple music videos, shoots and performances. He also often uses prosthetics and blood in his music videos and public appearances. As you can see in his album cover he is bleeding from the mouth and he is covered in prosthetics and bandages at an award show. However it is clear that he also cares very much about his fanbase and people who need support around him. He is very well known for donating large sums of money to charities which makes him seam very down to earth. In addition fans are able to relate him because he often talks in interviews and at award shows about his struggles growing up in poverty, being kicked out and dropping out of high school at a young age.

In our music video we will be dressing our model in quite dark clothes and we want him to be wearing chains similar o The Weeknd. We also want our artist to use very dead pan expressions to create a grungy and dark feel like The Weeknd connotes. In addition we will also be shooting the performance section of our music video in quite creepy places like an abandoned German bunker and outside of an abandoned shed which is covered in spray paint.

Test Shoots

We were given the task to create our first test shoot using our chosen song. This was really good because it gave us our first real taste of what it is like to record several different shots angles appropriate for a music video and it allowed us to work on editing and practice our skills and experiment with different transitions. This was also a very good task because it helped us to think about what we wanted our actual music video to look like and what costumes and other elements of mise en scene we thought would be appropriate.

What Went Well –

  • We were able to gather a variety of shots
  • We gained further skills on how to edit
  • We got to use transitions for the first time and experiment with them between different shots
  • The lip-syncing was matched up well with the music

Our Targets For Our Next Shoot –

  • Next time we should try and gather even more shots from a variety of different distances and angles
  • We need to work further on our editing skills and transitions between shots
  • We need to make sure that out editing is on beat with the music so that the video flows better