Favourite Music Video from Former Student

This is my favourite music video from the class of 2019, the song used in this video is called ‘Normal’, the song expresses feelings of not fitting in and hiding ones true self to appear ‘normal’. The video closely follows the narrative of the lyrics and music, therefore it is an illustration. This music video is my favourite as the video’s narrative is very easy to follow and very clear, it tells a good story and progresses as it goes along. Mis-en-scene has been used very well to illustrate how she is trying to set herself free and embrace her freedom from being in the crowd and faking being someone she isn’t. The setting also adds to this, the beach has a lot of open space and the waves crash while her hair blows in the wind symbolising her desire to be free. Camera is also used well to support the key themes and ideas of this video, in my opinion the best shot is shown at 0:53, the use of the extreme long shot shows her isolation and feeling of being an outsider as she is sat with space all around her and not engaging in conversation.

Detailed Music Video analysis

Katy Perry- Chained To The Rhythm


Taylor Swift- Wildest Dreams




Shown above is a detailed music video analysis of two music videos ‘Chained to the Rhythm’ and ‘Wildest Dreams’, in this task we had to deconstruct the narrative, performace, star image and generic and technical conventions of both music videos. This will help when it comes to production of our own music videos as we will know how to use these features to convey meanings and follow conventions our audience will expect to see.

One thing I have learnt from this task is how there are three ways in which narrative can be explored in music videos in terms of relation to the song, some narratives in music videos can hold a completely different meaning to what the song is about, this is referred to as ‘disjunction’.

Music Video Form and Conventions



This task involved analysing music videos in terms of genre, narrative, themes and form.This task will help me when moving forward in creating my music magazine as I will take inspiration and learn from the many techniques that these music videos have to create meaning and present  a clear narrative to my audience. From this task I learnt how important every feature used in a music video is to convey meaning to the audience and support key themes.