Category: Component 1

Magazine Draft 3

For the third draft of my contents page I made the barcode smaller and added another cover line. I also added the cover star’s name to his cover line.

For the third draft of my contents page I made the page numbers the same size and added a name to the poster. I also added a little more variety to the fonts.

For the third draft of my double page spread I added a silhouette of the model with a white outline behind the text. I also fixed the text wrap around the fretboard and added a little more colour to some of the text.


  • Front Cover
    • Make model and masthead bigger
    • Align cover lines
    • Add another coverline
    • Add something to the top right corner
  • Contents Page
    • Overlap poster
    • Link model caption to article
  • Double Page Spread
    • Add colour to quote


I chose these adverts because I think they would mesh well with the target audience.

Download Festival is popular with listeners of my magazine’s genre.

Fender is a popular guitar brand and a lot of people who are enthusiastic about music especially in my genre would be interested in this ad as they often play instruments or want to play instruments.

Marshall is a popular brand and people in bands in my genre need amps. A lot of people who are interested in music play instruments or are in their own bands.

I chose the Bose advert because a lot of people who are interested in music want to listen with good quality headphones.

I think that these adverts will fit my audience’s demographic of mostly millennial males well.

DPS Second Draft

For the second draft of my double page spread I have improved the cut-out of the model. I made the headline smaller so it fit on one page and didn’t cross over the stapling area. I then made the quote smaller so that the headline was still the biggest text on the page. I removed the hyphenation from the article and improved the text wrap.

Targets for final draft:

  • Make him bigger and over the background so that he goes over the background at the top more i.e. overlaps the black onto the white more.
  • Make the columns more interesting, colours, quotes, etc by adding some design graphics? a Guitar logo opaque in the background behind the copy?
  • Fix text wrap under the fretboard needs aligning better.
  • Could the page numbers be in a colour?

Contents Page Second Draft

Contents Draft 2

For the second draft of my contents page, I improved the cut-out of the model and added the poster to fill up space. I also added a drop shadow to the main image. I added another cover line to be consistent with the front page and make it less empty. I tried aligning the text to the left but found that it looked better aligned to the centre the way it was.

Targets for final draft:

  • Caption the poster
  • More font variety
  • Make all the numbers the same size
  • Make the model bigger?

Front Cover Second Draft

For my second draft I have heavily improved the image using Photoshop. I used the clone stamp tool to remove the reflection from the bass guitar, improved the cut-out around his hair, removed spots and blemishes from the model’s skin and brightened the model’s irises.

I replaced the poster image with a photo from my location shoot, and captioned it with the name of the artist. I also added another cover line to fill up empty space and changed some of the fonts.

Targets for final draft:

  • Another coverline for another artist
  • Fill empty space in the top right
  • Say who the “bassist” is
  • Make the barcode smaller


Double Page Spread First Draft

The first draft of my double page spread went okay. For my second draft I have five clear targets.

  • Fill up some of the empty space on the left page
  • Improve the cut-out to get rid of the white parts around the model
  • Get rid of the hyphenation and refit the text on the page
  • Make it so that the page fold doesn’t conflict with the headline
  • Change page numbers to match the contents page